Augusta State University Archived Policies

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State University Student Handbook
    (2015-12-22) Augusta State University; Augusta State University
    This handbook contains guidelines for Augusta State University students on academic policies, academic departments, the student code of conduct, student services, and student clubs
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State Univeristy Code of Conduct
    (2015-12-22) Augusta State University; Augusta State University
    This includes all policies relating to student conduct at Augusta State University
  • ItemOpen Access
    Statement on Academic Rights and Responsibilities
    (2005-06-23) American Council on Education; Augusta State University
    This statement outlines the academic rights and responsibilities for all members of an American institution of higher education
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State University Policy Regarding Payment of Relocation Expenses for New Appointments
    (2011-12) Augusta State University
    The university can offer to assist new employees with relocation expenses only under the following conditions: a. The new employee must be someone appointed as an administrative officer at the level of dean or director (or higher) except in special circumstances where the president waives this restriction. b. The amount to be offered for relocation expenses must be approved prior to offering the appointment by both the vice president with supervisory responsibilities over the new employee and the chief business officer of the university or the CBO’s delegate for this purpose. The maximum amount that can be offered is $3,000 except in special circumstances where an exception has been approved by the president c. The amount of payment or reimbursement must be stated in the original letter offering the appointment. Those responsible for negotiating with prospective new administrative officers or faculty members must be knowledgeable about university system, state, and IRS regulations regarding reimbursement or payment of relocation expenses. These regulations are summarized in the university document entitled “Detailed Relocation Expense Procedures” which is available in the Office of Human Resources and the office of each vice president.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State University Procurement Manual
    (2006-07) Augusta State University
    The underlying purposes and policies of the ASU Procurement Manual (hereinafter ASUPM or the “Manual”) are to: 1. Simplify and clarify the law governing procurement by the State of Georgia and ASU. 2. Permit the continued development of centralized procurement policies and practices. 3. Make as consistent as possible the procurement regulations among the various state agencies. 4. Provide for increased public confidence in the procedures followed in public procurement. 5. Ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all persons who deal with the procurement system of ASU. 6. Provide increased economy in state procurement activities, maximize to the fullest extent possible the purchasing value of public funds; obtain in a cost-effective and responsive manner the materials, services and construction required by ASU in order for this Agency to better serve ASU students, faculty and staff. 7. Foster effective broad-based competition within the free enterprise system. 8. Provide safeguards for the maintenance of a procurement system of quality and integrity.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State University Performance Evaluation
    (2008-02-14) Augusta State University; Augusta State University
    This form must be completed annually for each employee. The evaluation interview is the culmination of a year-long process which begins with performance planning (the identification of job responsibilities and corresponding performance standards), followed by performance management (a continuous process of providing feedback and coaching). In the evaluation, the employee's performance is measured against the performance standards which were established during the planning stage.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State University Medical Leave Assistance Program
    (2011-09-23) Augusta State University
    The Medical Leave Assistance Program is a means by which a program member may donate accrued sick leave to a reserve or directly to another program member who is unable to work for an extended period of time. This program encourages prudent use of accrued leave, but provides access and direct assistance to members with extraordinary medical issues (see life threatening or emergency medical condition definition below). It can also provide a limited bridge between accrued leave and the University’s short‐ or long‐term disability programs
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State University Medical Leave Assistance Act
    (2011-03-03) Augusta State University; Augusta State University
    The Medical Leave Assistance Program is a means by which a plan member may donate accrued sick leave to a pool or directly to another plan member who is unable to work for an extended period of time. This plan encourages prudent use of accrued leave, but provides access and direct assistance to members with extraordinary medical issues (see life‐threatening or emergency medical condition definition below). It can also provide a limited bridge between accrued leave and the University’s short‐ or long‐term disability plan.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State University HIPAA Policy
    (2015-12-22) Augusta State University; Augusta State University
    Augusta State University is not a healthcare provider; however, ASU and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia sponsor group healthcare plans and other programs that are subject to HIPAA. On the basis of that law, privacy regulations will apply to certain protected health information. The Institution 's representatives, according to job responsibility, will be committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of Protected Health Information (PHI). ASU will fully comply with all Federal and State Laws and the Board of Regents directives regarding the use, maintenance, transfer and disposition of all healthcare information and records maintenance. Only the information that is absolutely necessary will be provided and received. HIPAA will regulate three distinct interrelated areas health information privacy, health information security and health information electronic transmissions. The privacy practices are in effect at this time. This policy will continue to be updated as targeted dates are finalized for compliance purposes
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State University Notice of Privacy Practices for HIPAA
    (2003-04-14) Augusta State University; Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia; Privacy Officer, Human Resources; Augusta State University
    This document states the privacy practices, as regards Patient Health Information, followed by Augusta State University
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State University Faculty Search Procedures
    (2008-11-03) Augusta State University; Augusta State University
    This document contains the rules and procedures for initiating, conducting and concluding a faculty search
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State Employee Handbook
    (2001-01) Augusta State University; Personnel Services; Augusta State University
    This manual contains all the policies relating to Augusta State University employees with a staff designation
  • ItemOpen Access
    Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Team Procedures
    (2009-06) Augusta State University; Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Team; Augusta State University
    The Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Team is dedicated to a proactive, coordinated and planned approach to the identification, prevention, assessment, management, and reduction of interpersonal and behavioral threats to the safety and well being of Augusta State University students, faculty, staff and visitors.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Augusta State University Audit Charter
    (2012) Internal Auditor; Augusta State University
    The Internal Auditor at Augusta State University functions under an agreement with the President and the Board of Regents, known as the Audit Charter. The Charter defines the mission, scope of services, general responsibilities, reporting requirements, and authority of the Internal Auditor. Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Augusta State University Faculty Manual
    (2012) University System of Georgia; Augusta State University
    This FACULTY MANUAL is divided into five major sections. Section I contains the STATUTES of Augusta State University passed by the faculty and approved by the Regents. The Statutes define the structure of the University and the basic duties of the faculty and administrative officers. Section II contains the BYLAWS of the University defining the committee structure of the faculty. Section III contains OFFICIAL POLICIES of the University. These include policies passed by the faculty and a few (numbered 1000 or higher) established by the University administration. Section IV contains OFFICIAL PROCEDURES of the University that relate to activities of the faculty, such as appointment of faculty, evaluation of faculty, all faculty committees, evaluation of senior administrators, and travel. These were established by the University administration and the University System. Section V provides general INFORMATION on practical matters such as university administration, retirement, and health insurance benefits, vacation and sick leave policies.