Academic, Research, Student Affairs Archived Policies
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Item Open Access Policy Development(Medical College of Georgia, 2014-07-25) Office of the Provost1.01 Development and Promulgation of Academic, Research, and Student Affairs PoliciesItem Open Access Policy for Suspension of Faculty for Violation of State or Federal Laws(2014-04-25) Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs; Georgia Health Sciences University7.26 Policy for Suspension of Faculty for Violation of State or Federal Laws:When a faculty member at Georgia Health Sciences University is charged with the violation of a state or federal law, or is indicted for any such offense, the President of Georgia Health Sciences University shall carry out a thorough review of the circumstances. This policy describes the process to be followed should the above occur as set forth by the Policy Manual of the Board of Regents, Section 803.1 0.04.Item Open Access Policy for Removal of Faculty Members(1990) Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs; Georgia Health Sciences University7.25 Policy for Removal of Faculty Members: According to Board of Regents policy, the President of an institution may at any time remove any faculty member or other employee of an institution for cause. Cause shall include willful or intentional violation of the policies of the Board of Regents or the approved statutes of the institution. This policy describes the grounds for removal of a faculty member and the procedures to be followed as set forth by the Policy Manual of the Board of Regents, Section 803.11.Item Open Access Political Activities Policy(2006-05-17) Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs; Georgia Health Sciences University7.20 Political Activities Policy: It is inappropriate for University System of Georgia personnel to manage or enter political campaigns while on duty to perform services for the University System or to hold elective political office at the State or Federal level while employed by the University System of Georgia. This policy outlines those political activities in which University System of Georgia employees may or may not participateItem Open Access Outside Professional Activities Policy(2006-09) Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs; Georgia Health Sciences University7.19 Outside Professional Activities Policy:Outside professional activity by faculty or administrators is to be encouraged under appropriate circumstances. Ho'Never, since faculty and administrative personnel have committed their primary professional effort to the university, the university has the responsibility to limit and regulate such activity. With certain exceptions, faculty members are required to obtain the permission of the university prior to engaging in outside professional activity and to make periodic summary reports on such activity. This policy defines the types of outside professional activities allowed and outlines the procedures for obtaining permission from the university and for reporting such activities to the universityItem Open Access Policy for Faculty Notice of Resignation(1981) Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs; Georgia Health Sciences University7.18 Policy for Faculty Notice of Resignation; This policy describes the procedures to follow when a faculty member wishes to resign from his/her position at Georgia Health Sciences University.Item Open Access Faculty Grievance Policy(2007-09-27) Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs; Georgia Health Sciences University7.16 Faculty Grievance Policy: The Faculty Grievance Subcommittee of Georgia Health Sciences University shall be an elected standing subcommittee of the Academic Council. Its members will be elected by and from the Corps of Instruction of each college and of the Library of Georgia Health Sciences University. The Faculty Grievance Subcommittee shall act to implement the policies and procedures established by the Faculty of Georgia Health Sciences University for the resolution of faculty grievances. This policy describes procedures established by the University Faculty Senate (formerly known as Academic Council) for the handling of faculty grievancesItem Open Access Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Emeritus Appointment(2009-11-06) University Faculty Senate; Georgia Health Sciences University7.13.8 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Emeritus Appointment: At the time of their retirement from Georgia Health Sceinces University, members of the Corps of Instruction and Board-approved administrative officers may be considered for Emeritus status if they have served a minimum of ten years of continuous full-time service as a faculty member in the University System of Georgia, provided they fulfill the criteria described in this policy.Item Open Access Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Clinical & Adjunct Faculty Appointment(2009-11) University Faculty Senate; Georgia Health Sciences University7.13.7 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Clinical & Adjunct Faculty Appointment:Clinical and adjunct faculty to Georgia Health Sciences University must be appointed following the procedures described in this policy. Clinical and adjunct faculty are responsible for fulfilling the duties as described for the position and are eligible for promotion as described in this policy.Item Open Access Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Tenure Criteria & Procedures(2009-11) University Faculty Senate; Georgia Health Sciences University7.13.6 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Tenure Criteria & Procedures: This policy describes eligibility requirements for tenure for full-time faculty at Georgia Health Sciences University, the criteria and procedures for the granting of tenure, and the appeals process.Item Open Access Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Promotion Criteria & Procedures(2004-12) University Faculty Senate; Georgia Health Sciences University7.13.5 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Promotion Criteria & Procedures: This policy describes eligibility requirements for promotion for full-time faculty at the Georgia Health Sciences University, the criteria and procedures for promotion, and the appeals process.Item Open Access Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, & Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Institutional Guidelines for Faculty Review & Development(2014-04-25) University Faculty Senate; Georgia Health Sciences University7.13.4 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, & Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Institutional Guidelines for Faculty Review & Development: This policy describes the annual review process for full-time and part-time faculty at Georgia Health Sciences University and includes procedures for establishment of a Faculty Development Plan based on the results of the annual review. It also describes the post-tenure review process and establishment of a Post-Tenure Development Plan. The policy includes a process by 'Mlich faculty can appeal annual review or post-tenure review decisions and includes the terms of contract and renewal notice for non-tenure faculty and personnel.Item Open Access Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Faculty Classification(1999-11-04) University Faculty Senate; Georgia Health Sciences University7.13.3 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Faculty Classification: The faculty of Georgia Health Sciences University consists of the Corps of Instruction and Administrative Officers. Faculty are classified as non-tenured on track, non-tenure track, tenured, or no track. Tenure-track faculty can be classified as: assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Non-tenure-track faculty can be classified as instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Research faculty can be classified as assistant research scientist, research scientist, senior research scientist, or principal research scientist. This policy defines the requirements of these faculty ranks. Classification of clinical, adjunct, and emeritus faculty is outlined in ARSA policies 7.13.7 and 7.13.8, \Nhich are subsections of the Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure Policy.Item Open Access Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Faculty Appointments(2009-12) University Faculty Senate; Georgia Health Sciences University7.13.2 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Faculty Appointments: This policy describes procedures to be used for the appointment of faculty to Georgia Health Sciences University. Faculty appointments are initiated at the departmental or unit level. The chair or unit head makes a recommendation for appointment to the respective dean, who approves and forwards the request to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost, who approves and forwards it to the President for approval.Item Open Access Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Recruitment(2003-03-21) University Faculty Senate; Georgia Health Sciences University7.13.1 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Recruitment: This policy describes procedures to be used in the recruitment of faculty to Georgia Health Sciences University. The Dean of the college requesting to recruit a new faculty must submit a request to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost for approval. The Dean appoints a Search Committee and Chair, who together conduct the search. Advertising is carried out wth input from Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Office to provide opportunities for attracting a diverse applicant pool. Candidates will be interviewed. Once a decision to hire is made, an offer of employment will be made by the Department Chair as described herein. Faculty hires are official upon approval of the President of Georgia Health Sciences University.Item Open Access Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Overview(2008-02-28) University Faculty Senate; Georgia Health Sciences University7.13.0 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Overview: This policy provides an overview of how faculty are appointed at Georgia Health Sciences University, the procedures for faculty development, and the processes by 'Nhich faculty are promoted and granted tenure. These policies and procedures are detailed in the following policies.Item Open Access Extra Duty Compensation Policy For Faculty(2005-12-07) Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs; Georgia Health Sciences University7.11 Extra Duty Compensation Policy For Faculty: This policy covers the circumstances under which a Georgia Health Sciences University faculty member may receive extra compensation. Extra duty for faculty is defined as additional faculty responsibilities assigned for a temporary period of time, not to exceed one year. In accordance with Board of Regents Policy (BOR Policy extra duty compensation for faculty is defined as additional compensation for extra duty service performed by a faculty member if all four of the following conditions are met: 1. The work is carried out in addition to a normal full load; 2. No other qualified person is available to carry out the work as part of his/her normal load; 3. The work produces sufficient income to be self-supporting (when educational activity's income exceeds itemized expenses, the excess funds may be distributed to program faculty as "Extra Compensation·); and 4. The additional duties are not so heavy as to interfere with the performance of regular duties.Nothing in this policy shall in any way conflict with or override any policy of any applicable faculty practice plan of any college within Georgia Health Sciences University.Item Open Access Policy for Employment of Relatives(1990-11-01) Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs; Georgia Health Sciences University7.08 Policy for Employment of Relatives: According to Board of Regents policy, no individual shall be employed in a department or unit that YJill result in the existence of a subordinatesuperior relationship between an individual and any relative of the individual through any line of authority. This policy does not apply to temporary or part-time employment of children under the age of 25 and does not apply to individuals employed as of February 14, 1990 at an institution \\tlere a relative of such individual then held a superior position of at least one level of supervision removed from such individual in any line of authority.Item Open Access Policy on Faculty Employment Beyond Retirement(2002-04) Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs7.07 Policy on Faculty Employment Beyond Retirement: This policy describes the conditions under v.tlich a faculty member v.tlo has retired from the University System of Georgia and is receiving retirement benefits may be re-employed by the University System. A retired faculty member may be rehired for less than 50% work commitment, wth less than 50% of the annual benefit-base salary that vvas earned at the time of retirement. In all circumstances, rehiring of a retired faculty member must be approved by the Board of Regents.Item Open Access Policy for Establishing & Recommending Distinguished Faculty Titles(2009-11-20) Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs; Georgia Health Sciences University7.06 Policy for Establishing & Recommending Distinguished Faculty Titles: Distinguished Faculty Titles may be awarded to qualified faculty in recognition of distinguished excellence in research, teaching, and/or patient care. This policy describes the types of distinguished faculty titles that can be awarded at Georgia Health Sciences University and the procedures by which they can be awarded. These procedures and guidelines are in accordance with Board of Regents policies.