Publications and Presentations of AU Libraries Faculty and Staff
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Item Open Access For the Mouths of Babes: Nutrition Literacy Outreach to a Child Care Center(J Consum Health Internet, 2015-01-15) Webb, Nancy; Ballance, Darra; Institute of Public and Preventative Health; University LibrariesChildhood obesity is at crisis levels in the United States. Risk factors for obesity can begin as early as infancy. Approximately 12 million children up to five years of age spend about 22.5 hours per week in child care centers where they receive a significant portion of their daily nutrition. Child care center personnel may not know how to select nutritious meal and snack choices. A health sciences librarian, a child care center director and a dietitian designed an outreach program on nutrition that helped child care center teachers gain increased nutrition literacy. The teachers indicated that they gained increased personal understanding of formerly confusing nutrition issues (e.g., how to read a nutrition label and what defines a whole grain). Teachers were also able to identify aspects of web sites linked from MedlinePlus that indicated the sites served as reliable sources of health information.Item Open Access E Pluribus Unum: Using Google Classroom to Bring Together a Statewide Student and Faculty Cohort(Taylor & Francis Company, 2020-03-20) Ballance, Darra; Statewide AHEC Network Program; University LibrariesEstablished in 1984, the Statewide Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Network in Georgia has endeavored to improve the health of the state’s citizens by developing an appropriately trained and equitably dispersed health care workforce. Georgia has long faced a severe shortage of health care workers in rural and underserved areas, especially in primary care fields. The AHEC Network is a complex, multi-disciplinary effort which responds to the problem of supply and distribution of health professionals in rural and underserved areas of the state.Item Open Access Supplemental Data and Material for Assessing the Health Information Seeking Behaviors and Needs of Nurses in Skilled Nursing Facilities(2021-07-14) Kouame, Gail; Yang, Frances; Hendren, Steph; University Libraries; Georgia War Veterans Nursing HomeItem Open Access Serving as a Business Liaison When It's Not Your Primary Job(Augusta University, 3/12/2020) Bustos, Rod; University Libraries (Reese Library)Working as a business librarian can be a full-time job in some cases. In others, the librarian may be assigned as a liaison in addition to other responsibilities such as those primarily focused on an area like systems or e-resources.Item Open Access Access to Health Information: Outreach Efforts to Ronald McDonald House Augusta(Georgia Regents University, 2015-10) Bandy, Sandra L.; Brewster, Tamara; University LibrariesObjective: The library seeks to improve the use of reliable electronic health information to fill this information need for an under-served population in crisis. In 2014, a new and larger Ronald McDonald House (RMH) opened in Augusta across a shared parking lot of the Robert B, Greenblatt, M.D. Library. Currently, there are no health information resources available in the house. The house staff/volunteers have shared that they have received questions about health information but are advised not to give medical advice. Methods: A computer designated for accessing health information and a small selection of printed materials has been made available within the RMH. The library is in position to train the RMH house staff/volunteers on consumer health resources and how to evaluate reliable web resources. This will allow them to promote authoritative health resources for families/caregivers of children who are receiving medical treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Georgia. A health information web page has been developed and is accessible through the RMH portal. This web page is also being used as a class outline for hands-on computer training sessions for RMH staff. Results: The results of the training within the past six months will be presented along with suggested improvements for the staff who are teaching caregivers how to access health information. Conclusion: Parents will do anything for their child, especially when they are sick. Often they turn to the internet searching for answers. The library recognized the potential to build a positive partnership with the community. Using our expertise to aid this under-served population will assist parents in finding authoritative and up-to-date information health information resources. This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N-276-2011-00004-C with the University of Maryland Baltimore.Item Open Access Importance of Chapter Membership: a 20-year Data Analysis(Georgia Health Sciences University, 2012-10) Bandy, Sandra L.; Mears, Kim; University LibrariesObjective This project analyzes twenty years of recorded membership data from one of the fourteen chapters affiliated with the Medical Library Association (MLA). A search of the literature revealed national level program evaluations, new initiatives, and lessons learned but no Chapter-level articles specifically on membership. Outcomes will illustrate trends in membership and the possible need for stronger guidelines in retaining members. Methods Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association has used FileMaker for recording membership information. Information includes years of service to the organization plus year joined, contact information, committee volunteer request, AHIP level, library type, and membership to MLA. The data collected is also used for the annual printed membership directory. Several data sets will be gathered to study the dynamics of the Chapter, longevity of members, and retention based on the introduction of a 2-year free student membership. Results From 1992 to 2012, the average membership for the Southern Chapter was 359 members. The highest membership occurred in 1996 with 402 members and the lowest membership occurred in 2006 with 285. Data trends demonstrate a drop in state membership levels in the corresponding state that hosted the annual meeting the following year. Membership rates also dropped when the annual meeting was hosted outside of the Chapter region. Development of new medical schools around the region resulted in a 62% increase in academic librarians’ membership while hospital librarians have seen a 45% drop in membership rates. Other data collected included types of MLA membership and librarians’ membership to the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP). In 2008 the Chapter adopted a 2-year free student membership, with an average of 20 members per year since then. In its five year history, we have had 47 student members with 10 students joining the Chapter as a full member after the free membership expired. Conclusions According to the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), the average retention rate is between 82%-90%. Southern Chapter’s overall retention rate is 89%, affirming the value librarians receive through membership. Data also revealed that student retention is 63%, which is below acceptable ASAE guidelines so additional support may be needed. A search of the literature suggested guidelines to increase retention rates of student members.Item Open Access Transforming Print to Electronic Theses and Dissertations(Augusta University, 5/22/2018) Bandy, Sandra L.; University LibrariesObjective: In response to a changing environment, the library collaborated with The Graduate School (TGS) to transition from print to electronic theses and dissertations (ETD). Since graduate students are writing their thesis and dissertations on a computer, the library initiated the electronic submission to provide long-term archiving of ETDs. This paper discusses new submission processes, including successful strategies and lessons learned. Methods: The University’s existing institutional repository is the new host for ETDs allowing students to upload their final thesis or dissertation into the repository. TGS worked with ProQuest to create an online ETD administrator for students. An ETD Microsoft Word template was designed and programmed by the library according to Graduate School specifications and approved by TGS administrators. TGS dissertation and thesis preparation manual was updated to reflect new formatting and template requirements and a second alternative template was developed for student use. To introduce the new process and workflow to PhD program directors, librarians attended TGS Council meeting. A Graduate School LibGuide for TGS was amended to provide instruction on the new ETD standards and process including the need for additional face-to-face instruction on ETDs. The Library developed an ETD bootcamp for the new process. Results: After reviewing the initial submission process, the library partnered with ProQuest to simplify their procedures. The library worked with ProQuest to create a Sword protocol for automatic deposits of metadata and PDF files to the repository. Students no longer deposit their final thesis or dissertation into the repository but only to ProQuest eliminating a step in the submission process. Conclusions: Collaborating with our university's Graduate School created a unique partnership that resulted in new library ETD services for graduate students. Future work with ETDs will focus on retrospectively digitizing the library’s print dissertations.Item Open Access Bridging the silos: Connecting University data management services through a Data Management Symposium(Augusta University, 10/11/2019) Davies, Kathy J; Hendren, Steph; Davis, Jennifer Putnam; Augusta UniversityObjective: Greenblatt Library at Augusta University determined that library facutly needed expanded knowledge of research data management to establish a training program and develop a data services model. These goals aligned the library with an existing priority to become a research university and address gaps in existing data services offered to the research community. The library decided that hosting a one-day research data management symposium would promote the library as a data management resource, engage with existing research data services on campus, and discuss important aspects of data management. Methods: Greenblatt Library received funding to host a campus-wide research data management symposium. The symposium connected researchers and resources across all disciplines and provided professional development credits for researchers and librarians. Results: The one-day symposium was held in March 2019 and featured national and local speakers, a panel discussion, and data resources exhibits. The conducted post survey provided valuable information that will be used to establish future training and library services. Library faculty taught one of the sessions and the Libraries staffed an exhibit table to highlight data management tools. Conclusions: Librarians have existing skills such as teaching, organizing, analyzing and providing access to information sources that transfer readily to the research data management life cycle. The training symposium increased campus awareness of library services for data management and facilitated new research collaborations. Moving forward, a multifaceted approach to training will increase library faculty capabilities to engage in the critical processes necessary for data sharing, scholarship, and research reproducibility.Item Open Access Shaping the Future of Education for the Medical Library Association(Augusta University, 10/11/2019) Kouame, Gail; Holmes, Heather; Laera, Elizabeth; Augusta University; Medical University of South Carolina; Brookwood Baptist HealthObjective: Inform health sciences information professionals about the newly developed structure for educational programming for the Medical Library Association (MLA) based on MLA’s Professional Competencies. Methods: MLA appointed the Education Steering Committee and six Education Curriculum Committees to develop education content based on the Association’s revised Professional Competencies. The Competencies provide the framework that define the skills to be gained as a result of educational offerings. The Education Curriculum Committees are charged with: 1. Designing and planning curriculum and educational offerings and resources; 2. Providing direction, expertise, and knowledge to creators and instructors of educational offerings with respect to content and instructional design; 3. Reviewing and assessing offerings to ensure they are high quality and current, meet learning outcomes, and have a succession plan. The work of the Curriculum Committees is shaped by the curriculum priorities document set forth by the Education Steering Committee, beginning with a “Bootcamp” that incorporates foundational offerings across the Competencies. Results: The Education Curriculum Committees suggest topics and speakers for MLA’s monthly webinars and for Continuing Education courses offered at the Association’s Annual Meetings. In the past year, Education Curriculum Committees have engaged with subject matter experts and with professional instructional designers to create online self-paced courses. A middle management symposium, sponsored by the Leadership & Management Education Curriculum Committee, was offered at the MLA 2019 Annual Meeting. Curriculum Committees are exploring other modes for providing educational content, such as podcasts, journal clubs or discussion groups. Existing courses and webinars are tagged with Professional Competencies in MEDLIB-ED, MLA’s continuing education portal. Conclusions: MLA’s Professional Competencies provide a meaningful framework for planning and organizing educational offerings. Education Curriculum Committees follow the curriculum priorities to plan their work, but also have flexibility to be innovative in suggesting other possible content and methods to support professional development and education for information professionals.Item Open Access Strong Roots Produce Stronger Branches via Digital Surrogates(10/17/2019) Sharrock, Renee; Bandy, Sandra L.; Augusta University LibrariesHistorical Collections & Archives (HCA) is comprised of campus archives, rare books, and medical artifacts on the Health Sciences campus of Augusta University. Scholarly Commons is the institutional repository for Augusta University and is operated and managed by the Content Management Department of the Greenblatt Library. HCA has broadened its online presence by digitizing significant print publications, historical documents, and medical artifacts and depositing the digital items into Scholarly Commons.Item Open Access Data Repositories for Research Reproducibility: A Handout(Augusta University) Putnam Davis, Jennifer; University LibrariesItem Open Access Data Repositories For Research Reproducibility(Augusta University) Davies, Kathy J; Putnam Davis, Jennifer; University LibrariesItem Open Access Boldly Going To New Horizons: Engaging the Community in Biomedical Research and Precision Medicine(Augusta University, 11/19/2018) Shipman, Peter; Kouame, Gail; Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. LibraryObjective:To adapt a traditional consumer health information outreach approach to include a community health education message targeting the benefits for the general public of participation in biomedical research. Methods: An outreach award led to the expansion of a traditional consumer health information message to include the basics of biomedical research and informed consent. Urban, suburban, and rural public libraries and Federally Qualified Health Centers in eastern and central Georgia will host ten consumer health presentations by medical librarians. Presentations will have three themes: becoming well-informed about disease conditions and medications using MedlinePlus, understanding the process and benefits of biomedical research studies, and use the All of Us research program as an example of a new type of precision medicine study that recruits partners (not subjects) from populations that do not traditionally participate in research. The importance of understanding the risks and benefits of enrolling in a research study will be discussed. Results: To be determined.Item Open Access Embarrassment of Riches--Adapting to a Surfeit of Instruction Time Teaching Evidence-Based Dentistry Concepts to First-Year Dental Students(Augusta University, 11/19/2018) Shipman, Peter; Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. LibraryObjective: The medical librarian will develop new active learning content for first-year predoctoral dental students to learn the Question and Find portions of the evidence-based dentistry (EBD) process. Methods: Restructuring of the dental curriculum resulted in the librarian being awarded more instruction time to teach the Question (PICO –Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) and Find (search PubMed) portions of the evidence-based dentistry (EBD) process in a two-credit critical thinking research class. Instruction time increased from one session of 90 minutes to two sessions, 240 minutes total.A new active learning activity will be developed to enhance skills in portions of the course where the students have traditionally under performed, due to lack of time. These skills include more accurately matching clinical question concepts to the corresponding PICO element and analyzing the rigor of the automatic term mapping results in PubMed. Another key skill is to create new search strategies in PubMed when the search result list is inadequate or null.Some teaching elements from the previous version of the class will continue: the flipped classroom pre-class recordings, a PICO worksheet for in-class use, student reasoning of their search strategies, and the librarian providing live feedback of search strategies. Results: Increased instruction time leads to more examples of clinical questions, PICO formatting, and PubMed searching. A segment on the importance of lifelong learning in the context of competency-based education was added. A formative assessment session, a Jeopardy-style quiz element, was reinstated to the course. Conclusion: The students had more opportunities to actively learn evidence-based dentistry skills –PICO formatting, PubMed searching, and learning the EBD process. With more instruction time, greater emphasis could be devoted to lifelong learning, and a formative assessment session was used to tie in all the elements.Item Open Access Engaging Pre-College Students in Health Sciences Research(Augusta University, 11/19/2018) Logue, Natalie; Stuart, Ansley; Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. LibraryObjective: This presentation will show how to engage, assess, and educate pre-college students in a pipeline program in-person and online.Methods: The pipeline program targets juniors and seniors from local high schools who are interested in pursuing a health sciences career. This summer long program provides credit and non-credit instruction courses modelled after medical education programs to simulate what the students will experience in higher education. Part of the non-credit instruction is an information literacy course that is taught by two librarians from the health sciences library. This course focuses on introductory information search skills, health sciences specific databases, and indexing. Many of the students begin the course without previous health literacy skills but are expected to write and present on a health disparities topic by the end of the nine-week program. The Information Literacy course is presented to both in-person and online groups and were initially taught simultaneously for convenience and consistency. The two groups were split in Summer of 2017 due to ongoing technical difficulties, student engagement concerns, and poor student comprehension. Results: By focusing on the in-person and online groups separately, the librarians were able to better utilize group discussion and online tools to increase student participation. The immediate result of separating the class components was a reduction in wasted class time for the in-person instruction waiting for online students to login and respond. Additionally, tools such as online discussion boards and surveys, were better utilized to engage distance students. Conclusions: Separating the class component saw an increase in the student engagement over the course of the summer and allowed for better assessment of student comprehension through pre and post testing. Additional conclusions from the Summer 2018 will be included.Item Open Access Making Magic: Fostering Innovation with a Creative Technology Lab in the Health Sciences Library(Augusta University, 11/19/2018) Logue, Natalie; Kouame, Gail; Askew, Bettina; Nogales, Vonny; Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. LibraryObjective:To offer creative technology services in a health sciences library for innovation and prototyping. Methods: An academic health sciences library implemented a new maker space, the Creative Technology Lab (CTL), as part of a major renovation project in 2017/2018. The Creative Technology Lab provides 3D scanning and printing services, a Cricut machine, circuitry kits, and a lamination machine, with a high-definition data visualization display coming in the next year. Initial planning for the CTL focused primarily on 3D printing and scanning. The space allocated for the CTL was not ready during early phases of the renovation, so the 3D scanning and printing equipment was placed in another work area to allow library personnel to become familiar with how to use the equipment and accompanying software. The CTL Committee developed policies and procedures and posted job request forms to the library’s web page prior to the final placement of the 3D equipment in the CTL space. Interest and some requests immediately surfaced when equipment became available in the library.Results:When the CTL final location was unveiled, requests for 3D scanning and printing increased notably. The CTL is located directly inside the library’s main entrance and has a bank of windows,making it highly visible. In addition, the committee produced marketing materials and presented on the CTL in an online tutorial and at local faculty showcases. Faculty members and students from multiple disciplines have produced 3D printed tools and educational models. Conclusions:Having the Creative Technology Lab as a service at the health sciences library allows for the library to increase its visibility on campus to new users seeking to produce both prototypes and objects for practical uses. The biggest challenge for users of the CTL is understanding the technology and software, so providing feedback on designs and discussing project ideas has been repeatedly requested.Item Open Access It's a Stress-Free World After All! Strategies for a Successful Finals Frenzy Program(Augusta University, 11/19/2018) Logue, Natalie; Hendren, Stephanie; Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. LibraryObjective: This poster examines ways to implement and support a Finals Frenzy program focused on reducing stress and supporting study focus in a health sciences library during finals period using non-library funding. Methods: Each Fall and Spring semester, the health sciences library organizes a four to five day program aimed at supporting students during their finals study period with the goal of relieving stress and increasing student awareness of library support and resources. This program is led by an ad hoc committee consisting of the Access Services librarian, an additional librarian, and a staff member. The objectives of the committee are to establish a daily schedule of events, itemize purchases, and generate marketing material. Funding for the events is requested from the Student Activity Fees committee, a University Committee charged with the distribution of student fees. Each year, the library needs to apply for funding and present their budget proposal to the committee. Results: The library budget proposal for 2017-2018 was carried over from previous years based on past event programming and student turnout. Ongoing assessment of previous events highlighted an opportunity to modify the program to better meet student needs. Spring 2018 events were scheduled a week earlier, and four days longer, than originally planned and an additional funding opportunity was identified within student fees. In addition to funded events, the library utilized volunteer services such as therapy dogs, and supplies purchased from previous years. Conclusions: The library saw a 52% increase in student attendance between Fall 2017 and Spring 2018. While funding helped in implementation, reviewing event statistics and researching similar programs to adjust the timing and schedule of events were key factors in increasing student participation.Item Open Access Serving Today's Students While Creating the Library of Tomorrow(Augusta University, 11/19/2018) Logue, Natalie; Seago, Brenda L; Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. LibraryMethods: An academic health sciences library received funding to initiate a major renovation project. In early stages of the project, library leadership and the Access Services Librarian had regular meetings with the design team to discuss possible floor plans and furniture needs. Student needs were in the forefront of discussions and guided planning to meet both practical needs and desired aesthetic upgrades. Throughout the renovation, the library provided announcements, signage, and online updates to keep stakeholders apprised of progress and affected areas. As demolition began, noise, dust and debris became concerns. The library worked with the construction managers repeatedly to reduce the stress and disruption for students, including planning for when certain construction activities could take place and providing regular communication.Results: The library has a new public service desk, new carpeting and flooring, compact shelving, upgraded restrooms, a new Creative Technology Lab (a maker space), and more open floor space. Space is reallocated to allow for more group study and clearer access to service areas such as the Research & Education Services office suite and the Historical Collections and Archives. Visitors to the library expressed interest and approval of the changes in the library. Suggestions for new areas and concerns about the changing space have been shared with the library verbally, via email, and through an anonymous comment system. Conclusions:Renovation of an occupied, high-use building on an academic campus provides many challenges, but can be accomplished in a way that responds to students’ needs. Library personnel’s frequent consultations with construction team members is essential for the success of a renovation project. The new space aligns with student requests and future student and faculty needs for technology, collaborative work, and knowledge discovery.Item Open Access Exploring Best Practices for Librarian Integration into Case-Based Small Group Learning(Augusta University, 11/19/2018) Kouame, Gail; Gaines, Julie K.; Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. LibraryObjectives:To explore best practices for integrating health sciences librarians in case-based learning in undergraduate medical education. Methods: A group of health sciences librarians and medical educators performed a study and analyzed first and second year medical students’ use of resources in small group case-based learning experiences. Librarian activities included collecting students’ learning objective presentations, evaluating and critiquing the resources cited, and providing written feedback. Librarians also performed in-person observations of small group presentations and gave input to students. In this study, the librarians discovered gaps in information seeking skills on the part of the students as well as faculty small group facilitators. Facilitators acknowledged a need for training and reminders about effective searching. Librarians identified ways to equip students and faculty facilitators with improved searching and critical appraisal skills. Results: Librarian presence in the small groups reminded facilitators to prompt students to assess the quality of the resources they consult to answer scenario-based questions. Plans are underway to develop more structured training for facilitators and explore meaningful assignments for students to reinforce critical thinking while searching for health information. One librarian, as part of a teaching fellowship project, was invited to teach a session on searching and critical appraisal skills to faculty small group facilitators for an orientation session at the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year. A needs assessment will also be developed for the small group facilitators to determine their needs for developing information seeking skills and best ways to leverage librarian expertise. Conclusion: The presence of the librarians in the small group prompted both students and faculty facilitators to consider the quality of information resources which are important for clinical reasoning skills for their future clinical work.Item Open Access The Future Is Now: Using Secure Tablet Technology to Promote Health Literacy and Self-Care for Incarcerated Persons(Augusta University, 11/19/2018) Kouame, Gail; Johnson, J. Aaron; Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. LibraryObjective: To engage incarcerated individuals with health information and education to enhance their knowledge and use of health resources and services. Methods: A health sciences librarian and a Public Health Institute applied for an NLM Information Resources Grant to Reduce Health Disparities. The team was awarded funding to provide quality education to incarcerated persons through secure tablet computers. The tablets are currently deployed in 83 jails and prisons in 25 states, and are designed for self-guided learning experiences for low literacy individuals. Project leaders established agreements with five corrections facilities to use the tablets to conduct a health information needs assessment of individuals preparing for re-entry into the community. The study population includes both males and females. The results of the needs assessment informed the creation of health literacy training modules made available using the tablets. People incarcerated in the participating facilities consented to participate in the study to determine the impact of having access to the training modules. Results: Data from the needs assessment indicates that top places respondents seek health information are: the internet; a doctor or health care provider; or health web sites. When asked where they went first the last time they looked for health information, respondents stated they went to: the internet; the doctor or a health care provider; and health or medical organizations. They expressed interest in learning about health insurance issues. Other topics in which they expressed a desire to learn more include: understanding laboratory test results; getting help for addiction problems; and how to find a doctor or nurse. They indicated they would like to know how to take better care of themselves and manage health problems; how to improve eating habits and nutrition; and how to find help to prevent health problems and illnesses. Preliminary data from pre- and post-intervention will be presented.