Department of Management and Marketing: Student Research and Presentations

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Are NFL teams getting the most out of their wins? The Efficiency of Year End Revenues of Ten NFL Teams
    (Augusta University, 2018) Gonzales, Savanna; Augusta State University Honors Thesis; Augusta State University Honors Thesis
  • ItemUnknown
    Evaluating the Relationships between Consumer Personality Dimensions and Online Purchase Intentions
    (Augusta University, 2019-12) Lawrence, Danae L.; Department of Management and Marketing
  • ItemRestricted
    Forecasting Hotel Occupancy Rates in Augusta: Can Google Trends Improve Forecasts?
    (Augusta University, 2018-05) Callison, Jamie; Department of Management and Marketing
    This project will develop models in an attempt to develop better forecasts of hotel occupancy for the market in Augusta, Georgiaby utilizing historical occupancy data and Google trends data. Using the historical data from the years 2012 through 2015, a series of five univariate modelswill be made with differing forecasting equations to forecast the year 2016. The forecast for theyear 2016 will be compared to actual occupancy data from 2016 to measure for errors. The models will then be re-estimated with additional keywords that will be chosen on the basis that they will be commonly used to search for and book hotels. Some terms will be specific to Augusta and others will be general for booking hotels. With those terms, an index will be created to weigh the terms according to their relevance throughout the year, according to Google trends. With the addition of the keywords, the newforecasts will be compared to actual occupancy data from 2016. Errors of the univariate models and the models utilizing Google trends data will be compared to determine the accuracy of the two forecasting techniques.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Are NFL teams getting the most out of their wins? The Efficiency of Year End Revenues of Ten NFL Teams
    (Augusta University, 2018-05) Gonzales, Savanna; Department of Management and Marketing
    Major sports have taken over many prominent industries in today's world. With the economic impact of athletics comes its evolution from a spectator event into a business. Each team in the major leagues is now not only pressured to produce winsbut as a business, they must also bring in revenue. This means that efficiencyof funds is a vital goal of team managers and financial specialists. Thisresearch projectexaminesthe effects of various factors on year-end revenues for the top ten most valuable teams in the National Football League. Through the use of a DEA model that analyzes such inputs as income, team record and stand out players we areable to determine how efficiently each team is performing based on their revenues, or the output. Of the 10 teams studied, 5 were deemed efficient while 5 were deemed inefficient.Teams that didnot see successful revenue reports were analyzed based on their weaknesses and offered recommendations on which to improve where efficient teams were used a comparison. Ultimately, the goal of this research is to identify factors to improve revenue efficiency across the league as a whole by looking at the top performing teams (or best practices).
  • ItemRestricted
    Marketing Downtown Augusta: Leader's Perceptions of Safety and Cleanliness in Downtown Augusta
    (Augusta University, 2017-12) Long, William; Department of Management and Marketing