Historical Manuscripts

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10675.2/624639

The Historical Manuscripts collection contains handwritten items from the 19th Century related to the history of the Medical College of Georgia. Featured in this collection: the meeting minutes of the MCG faculty and of the MCG Board of Trustees; the constitution and bylaws of the Medical Society of Augusta; the 1857 library catalog book; and a few notebooks containing lecture notes recorded by MCG students and faculty.

The digitization of this collection was made possible through the Express Library Digitization and Conservation Award given by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Southeastern/Atlantic Region.

Credit shall be given as follows: Historical Collections & Archives, Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. Library, Augusta University

All items in the repository are protected by copyright; they may be used for educational purposes with proper attribution. All other uses require the author's permission.


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