AU Teaching Commons

Permanent URI for this community

The AU Teaching Commons is Augusta University's digital repository of original and modified resources created by faculty for faculty. The Commons is managed by the University Libraries and by the Center for Instructional Innovation.

The AU Teaching Commons is an open, double-blind peer-reviewed digital repository that provides faculty with a space to share and discover original and modified resources for their teaching activities. Faculty can submit original resources and modified resources from online, hybrid and face-to-face courses. Resources include but are not limited to:

• Assessments, including assignment prompts

• Instructional materials, including text, visuals and videos

• Learning activities, including discussion and reflection prompts

• Practical strategies to increase student engagement with content, with one another, and with the instructor

• Innovative use of technology


The resources below were submitted by AU faculty for you to use in your courses. All items on this repository are licensed under the latest version of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA), which allows for the work to be remixed, adapted, and built upon for non-commercial purposes, as long as the user credits you and licenses their new creations under the identical terms.

Submit to the AU Teaching Commons

If you have questions about the AU Teaching Commons, please see the AU Teaching Commons website or e-mail


Collections in this Community

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