The Beeper [1999 Vol. 9, No. 12]
Simkins, Sally L.
Seigler, Peggy
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Steele, Deborah
Baker, Toni
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Medical College of Georgia
Features this week include: Early-retirement proposal goes to Board of Regents; Weekend of Champions nets records for CMC; Full credit to be given for accrued sick days; Employees honored for MCG service; Velma Brown wins Erie P. Blissit award; Committees work to correct problems; GeorgiaCare benefits a plus; Medical college sponsors disaster medical assistance team; MCG residents cares for Kosovo refugees; June is national safety month; Mrs. Sodomka takes funding plight to D.C.; America's war dead remembered; Clinical practice courses planned; Practice caution with use of herbs; Health fair planned for seniors; Doctors cook up record contributions; Arthritis takes toll on hip joints; Virus puts women at risk for cervical cancer.
Ferris, Daron G., HPV Virus, Cervical Cancer, Arthritis, Corpe, R. Scott, MCG Center for Joint Replacement, Schlesselman, Michael D., Fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, MCG Hospital and Clinics, Department of Pharmacy, Lee, Mark, Steinhart, Karen, Children's Heart Program Volunteer Council, Doctor's Who Cook, Sodomka, Patricia F., Board of Trustees of the Georgia Hospital Association, Edwards, Kimberly, School of Dentistry, Student National Dental Association, Miller, Jill, Herbal Supplements, FDA, Office of Clinical Trials and Compliance, Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home, Memorial Day, Association of American Medical Colleges, Funding, Washington D.C., FY 2000, National Safety Month, Murray, Jimmy, MCG Public Safety Division, Camp Rainbow, Lasko, Laura, Hawkins, Sanford, Kosovo, Disaster Medical Assistance Team, GeorgiaCare, Health Insurance, Bias, Richard B., Organizational Climate Steering Team, Brown, Velma, Erie P. Blissit Award, MCG Division of Institutional Relations, Employees, Children's Miracle Netowrk, Weekend of Champions, Wilkie, Gina, Fundraising, Hayes, Bill, Sick Days, MCG Human Resources Department, Early-Retirement Program
The Beeper, 1999, Vol. 9, No. 12