Captured Memories Make History: Recording the Memories of Retirees for the Oral History Project of the Southern Chapter/MLA
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Beginning in the 1990's, the SC/MLA History Committee members recorded five oral histories. The transcriptions were stored in the Chapter archives. In 2003-2004 Richard Nollan, Chair and Laura Kane, a member of the Southern Chapter History Committee, resurrected the Oral History Project. More members were retiring, and it was felt that their memories of Southern Chapter events should be preserved. Committee members publicized the project and began a list of possible interviewees. They developed the first Oral History web page, displaying the original five oral histories. In 2006-2007 Laura Kane, then Chair of the History Committee, added new initiatives to the Oral History Project. An official list of interview questions was developed and added to the web page along with three new transcriptions of oral history interviews. Bernie Smith of the MLA Oral History Committee contacted Laura Kane to discuss collaborating on oral histories. The SC/MLA Oral History Committee was identified as the model for other Chapter oral history projects.