The Beeper 2001 [Vol. 11, No. 23]




Gladden, Ellen
Baker, Toni
Padgett, Steven
Deriso, Christine Hurley

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: MCG employees help troubled youth find Epiphany; What causes age-related infertility?; Glover-Mealing named chair; Chamber partners with MCG in budget crisis; MCG nurse helps in New York City; UGA cancer researcher to discuss biotechnology; MGC professors, students have fun with serious issues; Students sing sweet potato praises; Nursing students noted nationally for assisting elderly; MCG names chief of plastic surgery; Depressed elderly urged to seek help; MCG nurse researcher published third edition of reference book; Urologic oncologist joins MCG; MCG nostalgia from HCCU's first account holder; Dr. Yu elected president of American Society for neurochemistry; New vision statement to reflect greater emphasis on people; MCG trains for disaster management; Augusta vascular surgeon joins MCG faculty; Police bureau update.



MCG Employees, Infertility, Mulloy, Laura L., Budget, Chamber of Commerce, MCG Nurse, New York City, Biotechnology, Puppets, Jaffe, Lynn, School of Nursing, Elderly, Yu, Jack C., Chernecky, Cynthia C., Brown, James A., Reichard, Sherwood, Health Center Credit Union, Yu, Robert K., Vision Statement, Academic Council, Disaster Management, Griffin, Louie H. Jr., Clinical Vascular Laboratories, Public Safety


The Beeper, 2001, Vol. 11, No. 23

