The Beeper 2001 [Vol. 11, No. 23]
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Features this week include: MCG employees help troubled youth find Epiphany; What causes age-related infertility?; Glover-Mealing named chair; Chamber partners with MCG in budget crisis; MCG nurse helps in New York City; UGA cancer researcher to discuss biotechnology; MGC professors, students have fun with serious issues; Students sing sweet potato praises; Nursing students noted nationally for assisting elderly; MCG names chief of plastic surgery; Depressed elderly urged to seek help; MCG nurse researcher published third edition of reference book; Urologic oncologist joins MCG; MCG nostalgia from HCCU's first account holder; Dr. Yu elected president of American Society for neurochemistry; New vision statement to reflect greater emphasis on people; MCG trains for disaster management; Augusta vascular surgeon joins MCG faculty; Police bureau update.