The Effects of Increased Noise Levels on the Production of Corti-Costerone in Hyla Squirella
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This research is focusing specifically on Hyla squirella and the effects of increasing traffic noise on CORT production. The specific aim of this research is to determine stress levels in H. squirella when exposed to varying roadside noise environments. We evaluated CORT levels in frogs exposed to varying noise levels in effort to correlate environmental noise to physiological stress. The corticosterone levels are measured through the waterborne technique. By placing the frog in 10 ml of water, the CORT was diffused out of the frog’s skin. The samples were ran through C-18 columns and then eluted with methanol. The samples are analyzed via a corticosterone enzyme-linked immunoassay kit. The experimental frogs were observed outside of the refugia more frequently and the coloration dulled over time. After 2 weeks, the experimental average corticosterone level were higher than the control cages. The average CORT decreased by the final CORT extraction. It appears that overall there is a stress related reaction when exposed to heavy noise. It appears that overtime the frogs will acclimate likely due to the fact that producing high stress for a long amount of time has physiological effects and may eventually lead to death. Funding Source: Augusta University Honors Program