The Beeper [2001 Vol. 11, No. 11]




Sipple, Katja
Baker, Toni
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Douglass, Michele A.

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: Children's Miracle Network celebration scheduled June 2-3; Alumna makes her mark in public health arena; Regent Shelnut, Chancellor Portch to introduce new MCG president to campus June 4; Studies of blood vessel elasticity may better define risk for cardiovascular disease; Children's resistance to gum disease isn't foolproof; Search committee formed for Chancellor; Student posters cover gamut for health issues; How estrogen controls reproduction, protects the brain from stroke under study; MCG wins Janssen award to fund visiting professor; MCG smoking policy a breath of fresh air; New MCG facility helps researchers analyze protein, develop new disease treatment; Resource mothers honored for offering 'a hand to hold'.



Mahesh, Virendra B., Department of Physiology and Endocrinology, Joint Program Committee of the American Physiological Society, Rural Outreach Resource Mothers, D'Antignac, Merlinda, Department of Human Resources, Teen Pregnancy, School of Nursing, Stoming, Terrance A., Molecular Biology Core Facility, Kluger, Matthew J., MCG Smoking Policy, Steadman, Clayton, Thompson, Mason P., School of Medicine, Association of American Medical Colleges, Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior, Janssen Distinguished Visiting Professorship Award, Buckley, Peter F., Rausch, A. John, Mahmoud, Rahmy, Estrogen, Brann, Darell W., Webb, R. Clinton, Department of Physiology and Endocrinology, McMillan, Casey, Childhood Obesity, Sheffield, Perry, Adair, Steven, Gum Disease, Children, Diabetes, Prisant, L. Michael, Hypertension, Ergul, Adviye, MCG Georgia Prevention Institute, African American, Shelnut, Tim, Portch, Stephen, Rahn, Daniel W., Wilcox, Lynne, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention, Children's Miracle Network, Grace, Cheryl


The Beeper, 2001, Vol. 11, No. 11

