Evaluating the effectiveness of the upper extremity musculoskeletal evaluation & treatment course to practice




Brown, James R.

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Augusta University


This study used a retrospective survey to identify and · develop a data base of experiences of Army Occupational Therapists . who have attended the two-week Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Evaluation & Treatment Course and are now or have been in the past performing musculoskeletal evaluations. Severity six_ surveys were sent to Army Occupational Therapists and the results from fifty four were used to look at· the effectiveness of the. course to practice and the role of. orthopedic Health· Care Extender. The two-week course was effective in providing fundamental skills necessary to function in the Orthopedic Health Care Extender role. The Army Occupational ·Therapists· who have attended the course are satisfied ·with the present course and curriculum. The importance of the course is ·further supported by the fact that seventy._6ne percent of the therapists who have not attended the course but are performing musculoskeletal evaluations felt that .. the. course would be beneficial.



Upper Extremity Muscloskeletal, Orthopedic Health Care Extender, Musculoskeletal Evaluations
