The Beeper [1999 Vol. 9, No. 25]




Simkins, Sally L.
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Steele, Deborah
Baker, Toni

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: Y2K countdown continues; Toy drive under way; 700-plus take early-retirement option; MLK birthday observance speaker set; Demolitions under way; Women are prime candidates; Mary Edwards goes 'extra mile'-literally; Single mom is advocate for teen mothers; Rotation gives 'real-world experience'; Prepare yourself for Y2K in one easy lesson; Respiratory Therapy graduates ace exams; OT students have fun while learning; Ms. Walling receives certification; National respiratory awards received; Life can be a headache; There's help for snorers; Bill to restore cuts.



Medicare, Budget Cuts, Cohen, Jordan J., Association of American Medical Colleges, Ivanhoe, John, Snoring, Hughes, Mary D., Headaches, MCG Hospital and Clinics, Stress, Migraines, Occupational Therapy, Barrow, Mary, Collins, Kimberly, School of Allied Health Sciences, Hall, Rick, Walusis, Deirdre, American Respiratory Care Foundation, National Board for Respiratory Care, Exam, Mishoe, Shelley, Chaudhary, Bashir A., Y2K, Groupwise, E-mail, Tyrer, James, School of Dentistry, Rotation, Herman, Wayne, Honor Society, Hubert, Keeotia, Teen Mothers, Single Mothers, Edwards, Mary, MCG Emergency Room, Putnam, Tony, Sodomka, Patricia F., Hobbs, Sandy, Burnout, Employee Information Center, Kepshire, Bob, Brown, Carlton E., MLK, Demolitions, Woods, Jerry, Early Retirement, MCG Health, Inc., Board of Regents, CMC, Toy Drive, MCG Y2K Preparedness Task Force, Shaw, Dwain, Tedesco, Francis J., Snell, Don


The Beeper, 1999, Vol. 9, No. 25

