The effect of memory skills instruction on memory and self-esteem in persons fifty to seventy years of age
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This study examined the effect of a mneumonics oriented memory skills improvement course on.memory functioning and self-esteem in a sample, ~f 31 older adults (mean age = 63.4). Subjects in the experim~ntal group (n=15) participated in six hours of structured small group memory instru~tion, while .th~. control group (n=16) receivea no memory instruction. Analysis of covariance of pre- and post-instruction mean scores for the Wechsler Memory Scale and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale revealed·a significant increase in both memory (p=.Ol} and self-esteeci (p=.04) in the experimental group;: no significant improvem~nt on either measure was seen in the control group, nor was a significant correlation demonstrated between memory and self-esteem. The results of this study indic~ted· that a mneumonics oriented course of memory instruction can provide an· effective nursing intervention to assist the elderly in coping with some of the effects of memory loss associated with normal aging.