The Beeper [2006 Vol. 16, No. 14]




Baker, Toni
Hilliard, Jennifer
Miller, Kimberly
Jones, Bryan
Walls, Sharron C.
Humphrey, Deborah
Moores, Danielle Wong

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: Rural health grant exposes students to new career opportunities; Stay safe in summer heat; Blissit Award nominations sought; First herpes vaccine under study; Parents key to babies' healthy smiles; Study looks for genetic predictors of hypertension; Employee Advisory Council elects new members; Residents take academy's top awards; Leadership Academy seeks change agents; Dr. Lefebvre named associate dean; Gun safety begins at home; Last in line; Greenblatt exhibit features zoo animals, mixed media; Spitting seeds & telling tales; A banner day; Milestones; Dr. Stevens named chair of oral and maxillofacial surgery.



Vaccinations, Herpes Genitalis, Firearms, Exhibits, Employee Recognition, Sun Safety, Dental Care, Hypertension, Greenblatt Library, Quentin E. Burdick Grant, Blissit Award, Oral Hygiene, Employee Advisory Council, Viera, Yeritxa, Madi, Shahin, Leadership Academy, MCGHealth, Southern Academy of Periodontology, Lefebvre, Carol, Children’s Medical Center, National ASK Day, PULSE, Fausnight, Sharon, Baggs, Lisa, Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home, MCG Child Care Center, Stevens, Marks, ITSS, Mishoe, Shelley


The Beeper, 2006, Vol. 16, No. 14

