The Beeper [2000 Vol. 10, No. 8]




Baker, Toni
Steele, Deborah
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Simkins, Sally L.

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: Commencement slated May 5; 3 MCG programs ranked among the best in the United States; Homecoming scheduled April 27-30; Childhood cancer awareness day observed today; Cancer patients invited to 'look good, feel better'; Doctors to don chef's hats May 13 for a good cause; Actor Clifton Davis to deliver Stoney keynote speech; Prostate Cancer symposium set April 27; Want to increase your green? Get out of the red; Optimism, empowerment are keys to high self-esteem; Coils offer non-surgical treatment for Aneurysms; Thumb-sucking can keep kids from being all smiles; Surgery helps restore arm function after birth injury; Laparoscopy specialist joins faculty; Medical records offer broad picture of patient's health; Orthopaedic surgery section establishes journal; Treatment for blinding disease approved by FDA; Reflux cases discomfort for millions of Americans.



Harris, James A., Reflux, Heartburn, Marcus, Dennis M., Blindness, FDA, Mulloy, Anthony L., Metabolic Bone Disease Center, Center for Clinical Investigation, Section of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Rawson, James V., Adult Imaging Section, Department of Radiology, Section of Orthopaedic Surgery, Steflik, David E., Orthopaedic Journal, Levine, Monroe I., Jarriel, Melissa, Medical Records, Health Information Management, Georgia Gastrointestinal Surgery Service, CMC, Flannery, Ann M., Wray, R. Christie, Birth Injury, Adair, Steven, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Thumb-Sucking, Aneurysms, Stone, Jeffrey A., Vender, John R., Hobbs, Sandy, MCG Hospital and Clinics, Self-Esteem, Optimism, Arant, Nicki, Personal Finances, Consumer Credit Counseling Service,, Prostate Cancer, Section of Urology, Davis, Clifton, Stoney Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society Inc, Tuttle, Cindy, Doctors Who Cook, Cancer Patients, Cheely, Kim, Homecoming, Wright, Lore, Mental Health- Psychiatric Nursing, American Academy of Nursing, Brandon Foundation, Childhood Cancer Awareness Day, Section of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, School of Allied Health Sciences, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, Commencement


The Beeper, 2000, Vol. 10, No. 8

