The Beeper [1996 Vol. 8, No. 16]




Deriso, Christine Hurley
Baker, Toni
Simkins, Sally L.

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: Ms. Jones receives first Erie P. Blissit award; Survey indicates high student satisfaction; Ophthalmology chairman receives grant; Blissit award winner manages tasks with flair; Symposium to honor Dr. Mahesh; Clinic consolidates care for spina bifida patients; Parents urged to place infants on backs; Orthodontia gets children's teeth on the straight and narrow; Program planned to train perioperative nurses; Dr. Campbell receives professional achievement award; Physician assistant department present awards; Dr. Brann named to study section.



Brann, Darell W., Department of Physiology and Endocrinology, National Institutes of Health, Department of Physician Assistant, Awards, DeVries, Catherine R., Brophy, Colleen M., Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Program, Kirch, Darrell G., School of Medicine, CMC, Campbell, Carol A., Department of Health Information Management, Professional Achievement Award, Georgia Health Information Management Association, Distance Learning, School of Nursing, Perioperative Nursing, Department of Orthodontics, Hamilton, Ed, Pediatrics, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Benjamin, John, Spina Bifida, Moberg-Wolffe, Elizabeth, Mahesh, Virendra B., Jones, Beth, Erie P. Blissit Award, Luxenberg, Malcolm N., Department of Ophthalmology, Research to Prevent Blindness, Georgia Student Opinion Survey Project, Tedesco, Francis J., MCG Employee Recognition Ceremony


The Beeper, 1996, Vol. 6, No. 16

