Bone and soft tissue regenerative response following alveolar ridge augmentation using polysulfone implants with and without demineralized bone powder in macaca fascicularis
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Successful augmentation of bone surfaces has great clinical application, particularly to the face and oral cavity regionso More than 24 mi 11 ion Americans are edentulous and must depend upon dentures to eat and to restore their norma 1 speech and appearance o Porous po lysul fane (PPSF) is frequently used to fill osseous voidso The purpose of this study was to· test tooth soft, ti.ssue and bone response to porous po lysul fane (PPSF), with and without demineralized bone powder (DBP) in Macaca fascicularise Six adult female monkeys, 12-15 year~ of ~ge, were used in this study. One animal was sacrificed and used as a bone donor and the other five were recipientso All mandibular molar teeth were extracted and masstve alveolectomies were performedo The wounds were left to heal for 5 to 8 1/2 months postoperativelyo At the time of implantation~ PPSF with DBP was inserted subperiosteally into the left mandibular edentulous areas while PPSF alone was inserted into the right sideso The. animals were sacrificed at 42, .60, or 90 days following implantationo Each mandible was cut- into 3mm thick coronal sections which were then examined and photographed with a dissecting microscopeo Some specimens were then decalcified, embedded in paraffin and sect i a ned and stained With. H & Eo Other specimens were processed undecalcified in glycol and methylmethacrylate for histomorphometric measurements and tetracycline labe1ling·., Also, some specimens were processed for scanning electron microscopyo No inflammation or untoward reaction of the 'implantation sites were noted at the time of sacrifice. Histologically, the 42 day specimens of the' DBP-PPSF side· (experimental side) revealed penetration of fibrous tissue rich in fibroblasts and vessels into the pores of PPSF comparirig to the PPSF side (control side)., The fibrous tissue also surrounded the implant., Some multinucleated giant cells and macrophages were present., At 60 days, the PPSF side showed more organized fibrous tissue and bone grew only for a. short distance into the polysulfone. In contrast, the PPSF-DBP side showed large amounts of .bone formation within the pores of the polysulfone and almost covered the implant., The newly formed bone contained osteocytes and was -surrounded by osteob 1 asts. At 90 days, the PPSF side showed more bone tormation on the lower half of the. implant" These res~lts suggested that PPSF is a suitable non-resorbable material that accommodates bone and soft tissue formation. A 1 so :p the use of DBP enhanced both rate and amount of the new bone., In· conclusion; PPSF with and without DBP is a suitable material that can be used successfully for alveolar ridge augmentation.