The Beeper [2000 Vol. 10, No. 5]
Baker, Toni
Steele, Deborah
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Simkins, Sally L.
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Medical College of Georgia
Features this week include: Researchers discovering dopamine's role in brain's working memory; Furry friend brightens hospital stay for pediatric patients; Medical ethicist urges clear cultural message about death; Web sit provides research bonanza; MCG Health, Inc. tables talks with S.C. hospitals; Simulator teaches techniques in pediatric anesthesia; Scott's on the rocks; Match Day scheduled March 16; Medical technology introduces Internet program; Retirement Invocation; Classes teach effective money management; Skiing program offers fun in sun for Special-Needs children; Social Workers have far-reaching effect on community; Report recommends revised indigent-care policy; Dr. Newman receives "T" time humanism award.
Newman, Cheryl L., School of Medicine, Association of American Medical Colleges, Humanism in Medicine Award, Magee.Mike, Atherton, Sally S., Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Kirch, Darrell G., MCG Hospital and Clinics, Uninsured, Georgia Department of Audits, Social Workers, Sampson, Wendy, Department of Family and Children's Services, MCG Human Resources Department, Avant, Nicki, CMC, Wee Can Ski, Mortez, Julie G., Special Needs, Retirement, Colborn, Gene, Medical Technology, Internet, Georgia Statewide Academic and Medical System., Crowley, Julia R., Match Day, Jett, Scott, Rock Climbing, School of Dentistry, Nurse Anesthetists, School of Nursing, Wren, Kathy, Lupien, Fred, Pediatric Patient Simulator, MCG Health, Inc., Snell, Don, MCG Web SIte, Aldridge, Betty, Office of Grants and Contracts, Callahan, Daniel, CDC, Medical Ethics, Alza, Puppet, Moberg-Wolffe, Elizabeth, Dopamine, Bergson, Clare, Goldman-Rakic, Patricia, Lezcano, Nelson, Neuroscience
The Beeper, 2000, Vol. 10, No. 5