A Comparison of Job Stress in Intensive Care and Nonintensive Care Nurses in a Metropolitan Academic Medical Center
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This study exaniined whether differenc es existed in stress levels etween a gro_up of intensive care nurses and a group o_f nonintens ive care nurses as indicat d by incre_ased anx lety job dissatisfaction and psychosomatic pro lems 5 Spielbergerv s State Ttait AnxiE tY Index Form Y nie asured levels of state rid tr it a xie y the Somatic Gompiairits Index measured somatic COIJ1plaints i the Job Sati faction Job Dissatisfaction Index mea ured job satisfaction job bor edom and work dissatisfaction A demogr phic questio nnaire was also used A conv n ience sample of egist_er ed nurses N 82 voluntarily participated Using the Mann Whitney tJ t st s no significant differ nces Were fo nd at the OOlleveL of any of th n ll hypOtheSe However _ th e finding concerning orkl oa d dissatisfaction indicate that noqintensiv care nurses experienced nioi e_ wor kload d ssati fact io than intensive care_nur es Fur ther study is indicated to det er ine _ h ther th se nurses who Work IIOre than foi ty hours per w Eik in one r 1110re hospitals exh ibit higher stress levels and or exp rien e burnout earlier t an those who ork a regular 40 hour week