Identification of Muscarinic Receptor Subtypes and Arachidonic Acid Metabolites Mediating the Effects of Actylcholine in The Pulmonary Circulation of Rabbits and Cats
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Acetylch.oline (ACh) is known ·to reduce vascular pressure throughout
the systemic. circulation; in. the·-- pulmonary circulatfon: ACh: can·- produce:either
vasodi-1ationr or' ·vasoconstri-ction. For example,. ACh', produces:
vasoconstrictfon · in· the, pulmonary ·circula~i on· of rabbits .. but dtlati on in·
the· -feline. pu·lmof!ary-, vasculature·~-- The·· mechanism(s-) responsible·' for· the·
actions of ACh in the pulmona.ry vasculature-- remain unc;lear. This study was
designed to i·nve·st.igate poss·ible mechanisms. responsible for the actions. of
ACh in the ra~bit ancf cat pulmonari_.circulation·~- Our hypothesi's is tbat
. variations in· the· ·-response~ to: ACh may- be due to differe.nces in
med-iators. (e.g. ·prostanoids)· released upon. activation .. of the muscarinic
receptor~ These· di.ffe-rences cou 1 d be attributed,· either to. differences ... in
muscarinic receptor subtypes.-. or to differences. in the·. metabolism of·
arachidonic acid- tn rabbit. vs. cat. In anesthetized rabbits,_ ACh-induced
pulmonary=- vasoconstriction-··. was,. totatly, inhibited::'·- by:: the: phosphotipasey A'2·
inhibitor· qu-inacrine··,. the cycl o~oxygenase"' inhibitors:; indomethacin·,. and,.~
mec lofenamate·,, the- thtomboxane/ A:2:· synthetase=, i nh~i bi:tot· ]-;.;.{1'- Imidazolyl.)-·
Heptano.fc. Acid .. (7;..IHA), and'- by,- the··' thromboxane·· A-
. receptor·· antagpntst. SQ:.
29-~.548:, .. but not·,. by·- the· 1 .ipoxygenase:-- inhibitor- nordihydrogua-iaret.ic: acid(
NDGA}':. AGh·: s:igni-ftcantly; increased> plasma; thromboxane···B2.' (TXB'2J:· levels;. in·-.
anesthetized:·,_ rabb_its:. A.Ch:~induced:. decrease'~ in, system.ic ar.teria:l pressure'"
was, not· affected: by:·. any o.f'· the·· i nh'ibftors,. mentionedJ above--._ Small>. doses: of·
the, select.i ve:· Mi- muscari nfc. receptor· subtype· antagonists:, pi renzepihe and_:.
tr.ihexypheni:d~l,.. s:i gni-f.i cantly:- fnhi bjted:-: the· ACh.-i nduced:~- increase:'-·. i m
pulmonary; vascuJa·r res:fstance- but. not: the~ ACh-induced=;· decrease Ht systemic.
arterfal~: pressur.e··. The:.- s·ame" dose·· o.f secover.i ne:, .. a-~.- se·l ecti ve, M2-- muscar.i.nic:
recept.or subtype. antagonist, dld ·not· change the · ACh ·effects on the
pu 1 mona ry or· sys.temi c · v qSCu latu,re. Larger doses of pirenzepine,
trihexyphen-idyl and\· secoverine,· totally. inhibited· the.- effects:: of ACh in· the ..
pu:lmonary· and: systemic: circulatjons. Atrop.ine··. equally:- ted:· the·
effects. of ACn· on'" the pulmonary..- and.: systemic vascul atures- at.- any. do