Mindfulness Meditation Through a Mobile App
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Personal health is an important aspect of the self. In order to change health, behavior must also be changed. Changing behavior is often effortful and many do not adhere to desired changes. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB; Ajzen, 1991) suggests that self-efficacy, attitudes, intention, and subjective norms all play a part in behavior change. This present study examined each of these components as it relates to a particular behavior change, that is, mindfulness meditation. We hypothesized that self-efficacy, attitudes, intention, and subjective norms would positively correlate with the number of minutes spent meditating.� Participants were 144 undergraduates who volunteered for this two-part study. Time One included educating individuals on mindfulness meditation, followed with instructions to meditate for the next six days, log meditation minutes using a mobile app (Smiling Mind), and complete a survey adapted by Azjen (2002) measuring self-efficacy, attitudes, intentions, and subjective norms related to meditating. Time Two consisted of collection of meditation data and another survey on the experience of meditating. Preliminary analyses suggested no relationship between any of the TPB components and meditation, which may cast doubt on the reliability of the TPB constructs to predict behavior change.