The Beeper [1999 Vol. 9, No. 20]
Simkins, Sally L.
Steele, Deborah
Baker, Toni
Seigler, Peggy
Deriso, Christine Hurley
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Medical College of Georgia
Features this week include: MCG magazine honored by AAMC; Proposal grant could reduce budget deficit; Family day draws 1,000-plus; Web wisdom; One in eight women targeted for breast cancer; Be on the defenses against flu; South Carolina hospitals update; Support comes from those who've been there; Pediatric Orthopaedic surgery conference scheduled; ILL fees lowered; Ron Perry likes a challenge; Dr. Miller pedels for dentistry; Q&A: Early retirement; Lipizzan stallion show to benefit Blue Ribbon Riders; Mission based management is new approach; MCG families involved in relief effort; Dr. Mahesh honored; Diversity in beliefs, customs stressed.
MCG Education Department, Religion, Posey, Stephen, King, Dan, Flowers, Jeff, Wessling, Kenneth C., Department of Physical Therapy, Mahesh, Virendra B., Department of Physiology and Endocrinology, Steering Committee, MCG Public Safety Division, Self-Defense, Rape Aggression Defense System, Crans, Phillip J., Earthquake, Turkey, Keskintepe, Levent, School of Medicine, Mission Based Management, Kirch, Darrell G., Lipizzan Horses, Blue Ribbon Riders, Non-Profit, Morin, Claudia, MCG Hospital and Clinics, MCG Health, Inc., Retirees, Miller, Mike, School of Dentistryistry, Cycling, Georgia Dental Education Foundation, Harvey, Perry, Ron, Shriners Frank H. Stelling Pediatric Orthopaedic Conference, CMC, Breast Cancer, Till, Betty, Breast Cancer Awareness, Snell, Don, Palmetto Health Alliance, Benjamin, Jack T., Flu Vaccination, CDC, Harrell, Dean U., Cheely, Kim, Web Site, Family Day, Butterbaugh, Randy, Tedesco, Francis J., Grant, Barnes, Roy, Budget Deficit, Association of American Medical Colleges, Medical College of Georgia Today
The Beeper, 1999, Vol. 9, No. 20