MCG Today [2006 Vol.33 No.4]
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Table of Contents: 2 Newsbriefs; 8 Ready, Set...STOP: Groundbreaking sickle cell research continues to shape treatment; Ironing Out the Problem: A new pill eases treatment of iron overload; Breathing Easier: Nitric oxide may help sickle cell patients; 'Like a New Life': Advances in sickle cell treatment open the door to happy childhoods; 16 Minimal Disruption, Maximal Satisfaction: Surgical techniques put surgeons on the cutting edge; 18 'Please, Just Come': An MCG physician organizes a trip to Pakistan to treat earthquake victims; 20 V or Valor: An MCG resident receives a Bronze Star for Heroism in Iraq; 22 A Perfect Mix: An MCG oral surgeon helps future generations bone up on implants; 24 A Group Effort: 'Sisterhood' breaths life into a smoking-cessation program; 26 Clearing the Smokescreen: A program works with schools and parents to prevent tobacco use; 28 Willing and Able: Encouragement and adaptation help a student overcome her disability; 30 Innovation in Education: Technology puts information in the palms of students' hands; 32 Homecoming Honorees: MCG will honor distinguished alumni in April; 34 Profiles in Giving: Dr. and Mrs. Quentin T. Lawson Sr.; 35 Gift Planning: The Society of 1828; 36 Newsmakers; 37 Welcome, New Faculty; 38 Class Notes; 41 Reflections: The Way My Pop Did It