Effect of structured patient education on level of hope in cancer patient




Wells, Gayle

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Augusta University


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of patient participation in a structured education program on the level of hope in cancer patients. The sample consisted of 34 adult subjects diagnosed with cancer within the last five years. The control group (n = 17) consisted of patients receiving care at a private physician's office. The treatment group (n = 17) consisted of participants in a structured education program (I Can Cope) at three sites in the southeastern United States. The Nowotny Hope Scale (NHS) (Nowotny, 1989) was used to measure.hope. A quasiexperimental non-equivalent control group pretest posttest design was utilized tb test the following hypothesis: Adult cancer patients who attend structured educational classes will score higher on a scale measuring hope than those patients who have not attended such a class. Both groups represent naturally occurring collectives and randomization was not possible. The groups were matched by type of cancer diagnosis. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed no significant difference (p = .139) in the adjusted posttest scores of the two groups; therefore, the hypothesis was not supported. In this study, the level of hope for participants in a structured education program did not differ from the level of a similar group not attending such a program. However, in view of the attention given to the concept of hope as a factor in facing the diagnosis of cancer it is important that research efforts continue to be directed to the discovery of effective interventions to foster hope.



hope, patient education, cancer nursing
