Unplanned pregnancy and elective abortion for african-american adolescents
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The purpose OI this focused ethnography was to generate an interpretive theory about how African American adolescents experience unplanned pregnancy and elective abortion. How African American adolescents experience events and circumstances surrounding pregnancy and elective abortion is not understood. Research questions were: 1) How do African American adolescents view unplanned pregnancy?; 2) How do African American adolescents go about deciding to seek abortions?; and 3) What factors do they consider when making their decisions to abort their pregnancies? Purposive sampling was used to obtain a sample of 12 participants within the ages of 15 to 18 years. Participants were drawn from clients at a nonprofit clinic designed to provide women's health services including abortion. Data were Collected by continuous interviews and observation participation. First interviews took place as the participants awaited their abortion procedures. Second interviews were conducted at a time and place convenient for the participants. Four themes were generated during data analysis: 1) Relationships with partners, 2) ·Confiding·in others: finding support, 3) Unselfish decision for self and 4) Resolution of the crisis. The integral pattern of Empowerment:~: emerged from the four themes. Through their experiences with unplanned pregnancy and elective abortion.