Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Faculty Classification
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7.13.3 Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Policy: Faculty Classification: The faculty of Georgia Health Sciences University consists of the Corps of Instruction and Administrative Officers. Faculty are classified as non-tenured on track, non-tenure track, tenured, or no track. Tenure-track faculty can be classified as: assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Non-tenure-track faculty can be classified as instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Research faculty can be classified as assistant research scientist, research scientist, senior research scientist, or principal research scientist. This policy defines the requirements of these faculty ranks. Classification of clinical, adjunct, and emeritus faculty is outlined in ARSA policies 7.13.7 and 7.13.8, \Nhich are subsections of the Faculty Appointment, Development, Promotion, and Tenure Policy.