The Beeper [2000 Vol. 10, No. 22]
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Steele, Deborah
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Medical College of Georgia
Features this week include: 2000 State Charitable Contributions program kicks off; Careful planning puts division ahead of the curve; Regents institute new review policy; Regent NeSmith chairing technology committee; 'Millionaire' contestant leaves empty-handed but rich in memories; Students urged to sign organ donor cards; MCG respiratory therapy students awarded; AOA induction ceremony slated Nov. 10; 96 students participating in pipeline program; Awards presented for Graduate Research Day participants; Grants enhance nurse anesthesia education; Researcher targeting postpartum fatigue; Lectureship honors Dr. McDonough.
McDonough, Paul G., Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tho, Sandra, American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Lectureship, Paul G. McDonough Society, Troy, Nancy, Postpartum Fatigue, Department of Parent-Child Nursing, Dalgas-Pelish, Peggy, Nursing Anesthesia Program, Grants, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Lupien, Fred, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation, Graduate Research Day, Bollag, Wendy B., MCG Undergraduate Research Program, School of Medicine, Office of Special Academic Programs, Association of American Medical Colleges, High School Studnts, Sykes-Brown, Wilma, Pipeline Program, Honor Society, Smith, Randy, Department of Respiratory Therapy, Scholarships, Melvin, Jay, Game Show, Barnes, Roy, Organ Donation, Perryman, Jennie P., NeSmith, Martin W., Board of Regents, Informational and Instructional Technology Committee, Review Policy, Papp, Daniel S., Administrative Committee' on Institutional Effectiveness, MCG Health, Inc., Smith, David, Planning, State of University Address, Tedesco, Francis J., State Charitable Contributions Program, Campbell, Carol, Fundraising
The Beeper, 2000, Vol. 10, No. 22