The Beeper [1999 Vol. 9, No. 7]




Simkins, Sally L.
Baker, Toni
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Steele, Deborah

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: Gov. Miller honored for HOPE; 5 year-old boy motivation behind marathon runner; Funding for new faculty positions sought; Leukemia grant awarded Dr. Sadofsky; 'Cut and paste' of DNA studied by MCG geneticist; It's a match; Young transplant patients go to Washington; Organ donor enhances lives; Record-keeping is vital in health care; Researchers link skull growth with pressure; 'Swim with current' national president says; Women to reap health benefits; Researchers gather at medical college; Graduate research day scheduled for April 16; SCCC roundup: MCG among top contributors; Communication with patients is key; MCG programs nationally ranked.



School of Nursing, Lambert, Vickie A., Perry, Jan, Department of Physical Therapy, Lupien, Fred, MCG Programs, Communication, Anderson, John, Newton, Andrew, Mongan, Patrick F., American Association of Colleges of Nursing, State Board Examinations, Puryear, James B., Donations, CMC, Howard, Robert J., CDC, Graduate Research Group, University System of Georgia Research Symposium, Sagraves, Rosalie, Women, Biomedical Research, McKinley, Mary, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, Borke, James L., Yu, Jack, Skull Growth, Pressure, Department of Health Information Management, Beaver, Melissa P., Record Management, Organ Donation, Eubanks, Carl, MCG Tissue Donar Services, Howard, Bobby, First Family Pledge Congress, Transplants, Match Day, Thompson, Mason, DNA, Sadofsky, Moshe J., MCG Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Leukemia Society of America, Ash, Michael, MCG Hospital and Clinics, FY 2000, Miller, Zell, HOPE Scholarship, Tedesco, Francis J., Stadt, Harriet A., Johnson, Wallace Jr., Lightsey, Alton, Marathon


The Beeper, 1999, Vol. 9, No. 7

