The Beeper [1999 Vol. 9, No. 22]




Seigler, Peggy
Simkins, Sally L.
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Steele, Deborah
Baker, Toni

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: Transition generates employee concerns; MCG president to give State of University address; MCG Health, Inc. still in the running; Open enrollment period opens November 15; Early-Retirement counseling appointment on the way; New regulations govern surge protector use; Health information week to be observed; AOA induction scheduled; Sports extravaganza set; Associate professor releases CD; Diversity reflected in childbirth traditions; Kindling sparks memories; PT students chase a goal of life; Master's degree available through a new program; MCG research shows cell line may be indicator for stomach cancer; Meditation adds years to your life, cuts costs; Link is questionable; Caregivers' stress, depression studied; Postpartum fatigue is related to parenting.



Wright, Lore, Alzheimer Disease, Caregivers, Postpartum Fatigue, Troy, Nancy, Department of Parent-Child Nursing, Pelish, Peggy, Parenting, Laden, Francine, Insecticide, Breast Cancer, Wolff Study, Meditation, Barnes, Vernon, Goldenring, James R., Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Lee, Jeffrey R., Stomach Cancer, Lupien, Alfred, Master's Degree, School of Nursing, Englert, Laura, Durell, Darin, Physical Therapy, Pilgrim, Mary, Great Savannah River Rubber Duck Race, Turner, Saundra, Baumann, Marty, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Childbirth, Gulati, Nidhi, King, Dan, Religion, Fadel, Hossam E., Silent Auction, CMC, Rivera-Morales, Warren C., Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Smith, Lanny, Medical Honor Society, National Health Information and Technology Week, Condon, Jim, Pellett, Jonathan B., Surge Protectors, MCG Public Safety Division, Murray, Jimmy, MCG Department of Human Resources, Early Reitrement, Riley, Patricia, MCG Health, Inc., Snell, Don, Tedesco, Francis J., State of University Address, Benefits, MCG Hospital and Clinics, Palmetto Health Alliance


The Beeper, 1999, Vol. 9, No. 22

