The Beeper [1996 Vol. 6, No. 22]




Baker, Toni
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Smith, Carole Jones

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: MCG to provide care for State's 35.000 inmates; Imagination is the only limit to interactive media; CMC campaign to help kids live life to the fullest; Dr. Flannery named council chairman; Dr. Mailhot receives board certification; Dr. Mellick named emergency medicine chairman; Emergency medicine to broaden service; Deans' symposia kicks of Oct. 29; Dr. Morris reflects on 24-year teaching career; Keep kids safe in cars, trauma chief urges; Psoriasis no laughing matter; Dr. Lefebvre receives teaching award; Training opportunities offered; Physician, lawyer presented President's award.



Harrison, J. Harold, Lee, Lansing B., President's award, Tedesco, Francis J., Training and EducationSection of the Personnel Division, Training Opportunities, Lefebvre, Carol A., School of Dentistry, Psoriasis, Gourdin, Rick, Dermotology, Hawkins, Michael, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Martinez, Ricardo, Morris, Charles F., Creazzo, Tony L., Deans' Symposia, Lutin, William A., Mellick, Larry B., Department of Emergency Medicine, CMC, Kirch, Darrell G., Flannery, David B., State Genetics Advisory Council, Mailhot, Jason M., Ostric, Elizabeth J., Gadacz, Tom, Department of Surgery, Department of Corrections, Wray, Charles H., Garner, Wayne


The Beeper, 1996, Vol. 6, No. 22

