The Beeper [1999 Vol. 9, No. 23]




Simkins, Sally L.
Baker, Toni
Steele, Deborah

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: Sculpture unveiled at CMC; 'No question too tough'; Window for acceptance closes Dec. 6; Sports extravaganza held today; HIM students win scholarships; MCG honored by Goodwill industries; Deans' Symposium set for Nov. 30; CPP membership exceeds 100 mark; Pop those tabs for McDonald house; Students spearhead food and toy drives; Childhood isn't free of anxieties; Incontinence doesn't have to be permanent; Sleep: quality and quantity make a difference; Childhood snoring could be sign of trouble; Dry mouth can cause problems; Unique type of Lyme disease seen in Southeast.



Lyme Disease, Felz, Michael W., CDC, Dry Mouth, Konzelman, Joseph Jr., Herman, Wayne, Hudson, Valera, Childhood Snoring, CMC, National Sleep Foundation, Drowsiness, MCG Hospital and Clinics, Chaudhary, Bashir A., MCG Georgia Sleep Center, Sleep Deprivation, Urinary Incontinence, Adams, John B., Josephson, Allan, Section of Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatry, Childhood Anxiety, Student National Dental Association, Food Drive, Toys for Tots, Hendricks, Tarem, Brooks, Kay, Ronald McDonald House, Corporate Partnership Program, Temple, Merie, Deans' Symposium, Sadofsky, Moshe J., Goodwill Industries, Larger Employer of the Year, Johnson, Celeste, MCG Human Resources Department, Health Information Management, School of Allied Health Sciences, Foundation of Research and Education of the American Health Information Management Association, Sports Extravaganza, Silent Auction, Riley, Patricia, Early Retirement, Snell, Don, MCG Health, Inc., Sodomka, Patricia F., Kirch, Darrell G., State of School Address, Engler, Kathleen G., Sculpture


The Beeper, 1999, Vol. 9, No. 23

