The Beeper [1999 Vol. 9, No. 6]




Simkins, Sally L.
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Baker, Toni
Steele, Deborah

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: Countdown to SACS site visit; Blissit award nomination deadline nears; Regents authorize wellness center; X-ray technology: you've come a long way, baby; FACTS campaign goal set; Barry Quesnel in Who's Who; Flu vaccination 88 percent effective; MCG advertisements win local awards; Eckerd offers more than pills for aches and pains; Children and healthcare week celebrated at CMC; Special folks work year-round for CMC; Utah professor to address Deans' Symposia; Michael Thurmond to address Stoney dinner; Mentors needed for summer program; Living with grief teleconference scheduled; When is temperature really 'fever'?; Drug to alleviate pain of Sickle Cell investigated; Parking issues being tackled by task force; Robin Southwood goes bald-on purpose.



Southwood, Robin, MCG Hospital and Clinics, CMC, Cancer, Homecoming, Training Opportunites, Section of Human Resources Division, Physical Working Conditions Task Force, Echelberger, Scott, Biles, Lantz, Americans with Disabilities Act, MCG Parking Bureau, Department of Public Safety, Fever, Woodring, Barbara, Department of Parent-Child Nursing, School of Nursing, MCG Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center, Kultar, Abdullah, Heart Attack, Drug Study, Hospice Foundation of America Living With Grief, Teleconference, Solursh, Diane, Murchison, Rodger, Francois, Brennan, Grief, Thurmond, Michael, School of Medicine, Stoney Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society, Minorities, Office of Special Academic Programs, Sykes-Brown, Wilma, Student Educational Enrichment Program, Border, Wayne A., Deans' Symposia, Children's Miracle Network, Weekend of Champions, Fundraising, Eury, Kym, Bush, Wayne, Eckerd Drugs, Advertisements, MCG Heath Care, Alison and Associates, Flu Vaccination, Wilde, James, Faculty for the Advancement of Clinical Care, Teaching and Science, Damato, Terrie, Quesnel, Barry, Who's Who Among students in American Universities and Colleges, Department of Radiologic Technologies, Mihm, Mary, X-Ray, Roentgen, Wilhelm C., Bangs, Jonathan, Board of Regents, Wellness Center, Erie P. Blissit Award, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Accreditation, Barshafsky, Deb


The Beeper, 1999, Vol. 9, No. 6

