Educational kinesiology with learning disabled children : an efficacy study
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Educational Kinesiology (EK) is a treatment which utilizes specific movements to access different parts of the brain in an attempt to maximize learning potential. EK has been recommended for use with learning disabled children; however studies validating its effects are limited. The school records of 27 students ages seven to 17 with a diagnosis of specific learning disability were examined for pre and post test scores on academic and perceptual motor skill measures following an EK program. The Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) served as a measure of academic achievement. The Perceptual Motor Assessment for Children (P-MAC) provided a measure of perceptual motor ski'll. Results indicate a significant improvement in perceptual motor skills following EK. The change in academic skills was not significant. EK is recommended as a treatment to improve perceptual motor function in learning disabled children. Other .variables affecting the. study, as well as clinical and research implications are discussed.