Curriculum Changes Policy




Academic Affairs

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2.13 Curriculum Changes Policy: This policy facilitates the institutional approval process for changes to the curriculum by any college or department at Georgia Health Sciences University. Curriculum changes originate in the respective department or college, and are submitted via the proper form to the Vice President for Instruction and Enrollment Management & Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, who will verify that the request form is complete and all required documentation is attached. The Director of Business Operations of the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost will compile the fiscal considerations of the proposed curriculum change. This information will all be submitted to the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost for approval. Following approval by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the Office of the Registrar will complete the official curriculum revision and notify the respective colleges.


2.0 Academic Affairs


curriculum, changes to the curriculum, curriculum revision, colleges, Academic Affairs, policy
