A study to determine the relationship between body image and success- ful weight loss
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The purpose of this study was to.determine. the relationship be.tween successful weight loss or unsuccessful. weight loss and body image. Thirty-.three obese males and females aged 25-70 years were given the Secord a·nd Jourard Body Cathexis Scale at a weight reduction clinic. Subjects were divided into fo.ur groups for comparison. These groups were: those who were beginning the weight loss, those who were· successful ·in weigh.t loss, those who failed to lose .weight,- and those who failed t~ maintain weight loss. The .last· two groups were combined·- for ana lysis. · Analysi~· of variance revealed no signi.ficant difference between ·body image of those who were beginning and· those who were successful. No significant difference was revealed between. body image of those who were beginning and those who were unsuccessful'. Significant difference was found in body image of those who were successful and those who were uns·uccessful (.E, = • 05). v