The relationship between self-concept and locus of control on tobacco use among rural black and white preadolescents: a comparative study
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This study investigated the relationships among demog·raphic variables- of grade, age, gender, and race; self-concept related to home, school,. and peer; and internal and external locus of control on tobacco use among rural BJack and White preadolescents using a cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 666 preadolescents •in grades 4 and 5, ages 8 through 12, and enrolled in public schools in east central Georgia. Five elementary schools met the inclusion criteria of being located in a rural county with a population < 25,000, and also with > 50% Black student enrollment. Individual classrooms were randomly selected in 3 of the-schools. All fourth and fifth graders were selected in the other 2 schools. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square, t test, and 6 . . logistic regression. Independent variables were self-concept and locus·of control. The dependent variable was tobacco use as being use or never use. The 54-item self-report survey was compri_sed of 4 brief scales: the Student Information Data . Form; the. Hare Self-Este.em Scale; the Nowicki-Strickland Children's Locus of Control. Scale; and the Tobacco Use Self-Report. Data were collected during Fall 2002 and involved 2 steps: (1) Explanation of the study and th~opportunity to participate were provided to the students (parental consent and child assent forms were obtained fro~ those agreeing to participate), and (2) data collection was ·conducted using the self-report survey form.· The study.found that tobacco totaled 9.2°/o' of the sample, which was gre.ater than the· rural norm of 4.2% to 5%. The sample of Black participants was _ large, s·1. 7%, as compared to previous studies with 0% to 20%, an~ was representative of the population. Those who used tobacco 'were more likely to be ' . boys (OR= 2.66, p = ~0005); have low:home sel.f-concept s.core (OR=. 0.91, p = .0003); have low school self-concept score (OR= 0.91, p < .0001 ); and have external locus of control (OR·= 2.05, p = .008) than those who did not use tobacco. Further studies· are recommended that may identify other contributing factors of tobacco use among rural preadolescents, such as diet, exercise, health, and sociodemographic variables.