A Comparative study of nurse's job satisfaction, morale, and patient welfare Other Titles Job Satisfaction




Sorrow, Karen R

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The purpose of this study was to-compare the nurses' perceived job satisfaction and morale to patient welfare. The subjetts for this study were from four ~nits in two acute care. hosp·itals in Georgia. Random sampling was used to obtain the 40 patient subjects and a convenience sa~ple was used to obtain the 41 nurse subjects. Using the Patient Welfare Scale, data were collected .from the patient subjects, by the investigator on two separate occasions. Data were collected from the nurse subjects with a self-administered psychometrically sound and reliable

research instrument consisting of a Job Satisfaction and Morale Questionnaire and an investigator-developed demoraphic data questionnaire. The primary findings of the study indicated that for the population studied: Job satisfaction differed between hospitals; morale differed between hospitals; and morale differed in one hospital among ·units. Patient Welfare did not differ between hospitals or among units. _ Therefore, the level of job satisfaction was not found to be related to the level of patient welfare.



Pediculus, Psychometrics, Job Satisfaction
