Bridging the silos: Connecting University data management services through a Data Management Symposium




Davies, Kathy J
Hendren, Steph
Davis, Jennifer Putnam

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Augusta University


Objective: Greenblatt Library at Augusta University determined that library facutly needed expanded knowledge of research data management to establish a training program and develop a data services model. These goals aligned the library with an existing priority to become a research university and address gaps in existing data services offered to the research community. The library decided that hosting a one-day research data management symposium would promote the library as a data management resource, engage with existing research data services on campus, and discuss important aspects of data management. Methods: Greenblatt Library received funding to host a campus-wide research data management symposium. The symposium connected researchers and resources across all disciplines and provided professional development credits for researchers and librarians. Results: The one-day symposium was held in March 2019 and featured national and local speakers, a panel discussion, and data resources exhibits. The conducted post survey provided valuable information that will be used to establish future training and library services. Library faculty taught one of the sessions and the Libraries staffed an exhibit table to highlight data management tools. Conclusions: Librarians have existing skills such as teaching, organizing, analyzing and providing access to information sources that transfer readily to the research data management life cycle. The training symposium increased campus awareness of library services for data management and facilitated new research collaborations. Moving forward, a multifaceted approach to training will increase library faculty capabilities to engage in the critical processes necessary for data sharing, scholarship, and research reproducibility.


Paper presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association, October 10-12, 2019 Savannah, GA


data management, symposium
