A Case Study Exploring the Perception and Uptake of MTSS Interventions by Leaders, Teachers, and Support Staff in Two Georgia Middle Schools
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Since at least 2001, an emphasis has been placed on the use of evidence-based practices in schools to close achievement gaps. Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) emerged during this time as a framework of evidence-based practices adopted by nearly all U.S. states including Georgia. When implemented with fidelity, MTSS has the potential to close achievement gaps. However, most new initiatives implemented within organizations, such as schools, fail to be adopted into practice. The primary purpose of this study was to explore how educational stakeholders used MTSS and perceived the implementation of the framework during a two-year period. Additionally, this study explored the perceived enablers and barriers to MTSS implementation. For these purposes, a qualitative case study methodology was chosen to achieve an in-depth exploration of a complex phenomenon within a highly contextual setting. The cases in this study were bound by time and place as two Georgia middle schools selected by the Southern School District to pilot the implementation of MTSS between 2020 and 2022. Thirteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with voluntary participants, including school administrators, support staff, and teachers. Thematic analysis of data collected from interviews uncovered multiple themes to answer the study’s three research questions. Key findings supporting the implementation of MTSS included better collaboration between stakeholders, reduced isolation of interventions, and the use of data to drive intervention efforts. Key findings limiting the implementation of MTSS included a lack of understanding of the purpose of MTSS, a lack of buy-in across the organizations, and a perception that educators lacked the capacity to meet the needs of students with too many deficits. To improve the implementation and adoption of evidence-based practices, like MTSS, school leaders need to better understand what drives implementation and change in schools.