The Beeper [1998 Vol. 8, No. 9]
Baker, Toni
Deriso, Christine Hurley
Steadman, Ginny
Simkins, Sally L.
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Medical College of Georgia
Features this week include: Dr. Tedesco receives Spirit of Georgia award; Dr. Ellison honored by lung association; MCG alumni honored during homecoming; For Dr. Bustos, ambition never retires; Dental students awarded scholarships; Graduate students honored for research; Medical students awarded during honors day; JCAHO accredits Georgia war veterans nursing home; Phone books to be recycled; Pathology manual aids patient care; General assembly enhances benefits for teachers retirement system.
Mensah, George A., Association of Black Cardiologists, Woods, Jerry, Retirees, Benefits, Department of Pathology, Steele, john C.H. Jr., Clinical Microbiology and Diagnostic Virology Laboratory, Townsend, Ginger, Medical Technology, Dantignac, Jesse, MCG Campus Environmental Services, Recycling, Phonebooks, Joint Committee on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, Veterans, Nursing Home, Grachek, Marianna K., Scott, Tess B., Department of Medical Technology, Outstanding Alumni Award, Honors Day, Thomas P. Hinman Dental Society, Dental Hygiene, Academy of General Dentistry, Bustos-Valdes, Sergio, Chile, Teachers, School of Allied Health Sciences, School of Nursing, School of Graduate Studies, Ellison, Lois T., MCG Hospital and Clinics, Will Ross Medal, American Lung Association, Tedesco, Francis J., Georgia Economic Developers Association's Spirit of Georgia Award
The Beeper, 1998, Vol. 8, No. 9