MCG Today [Fall 2008; Vol. 36, No. 2]
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Table of Contents: 2-9 News Briefs; 10-17 STAT: MCG expansion is crucial to optimize health care statewide; 18-23 A Head Start on Health: The Georgia Prevention Institute takes early aim at hypertension; 24-27 Moving Through Darkness: MCG crosstalk research may silence postpartum depression; 28-29 Multi-Tasking: An old antibiotic may find new life as a stroke treatment; 30-31 Family Resemblance: A DNA bank sheds light on a likely Alzheimer's gene; 32-33 The Root of the Matter: The Cancer Center's new associate director probes the genetic bases for the disease; 34-35 A Patient Perspective: Is easy to swallow for MCG's resident of the year; 36-37 Cross-Training: New programs bridge basic and translational research skills; 38 Profile in Giving: Dr. Ronald Goldstein 'MCG will represent the best in dentistry'.