The Beeper [2010 Vol. 20, No. 22]




Deriso, Christine Hurley
Hudson, Stacey
Hinely, Paula
Baker, Toni
Parrish, Denise
Walls, Sharron C.

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Medical College of Georgia


Features this week include: MCG Health, Inc. transfers $9.25 million to Medical College of Georgia; Lady Antebellum adds daytime Augusta show; Cultural competency pays off for QEP trivia winners; MCG School of Dentistry continues to surpass goals; ESP final plan is now available; GHSU name change task force moves forward; Open Enrollment Information Sessions; Faculty Satisfaction Action Team positions MCG as ‘the place to go’; McVicker named to state community hospital alliance; Employees honored for years of service; Phil Jones photo Memorial service for body donors set for Nov. 5; Vulnerable adult study committee meets at MCG; Dental Derby bites into SCCP campaign; Hundreds turn out for employee benefits fair; Students raise funds for injured classmate; MCG honors 556 employees for service; MCG School of Nursing awarded at conference.



MCGHealth, Lady Antebellum, Cultural Competency, Quality Enhancement Plan, School of Dentistry, Enterprise-Wide Strategic Planning, Name Change, Faculty Satisfaction Action Team, McVicker, Sandra, Employee Recognition, Tissue Donors, Georgia Vulnerable Adult Study Committee, State Charitable Contributions Program, Employee Awareness and Benefits Fair, Fundraising, School of Nursing


The Beeper, 2010, Vol. 20, No. 22

