INFOrmed: Greenblatt Library News [Volume 2, Issue 3, Spring 2014]
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The INFOrmed is a newsletter of the Greenblatt Library. Inside this issue: Mobile GRU Libraries Website Available; A look at JoVE: The Journal of Visualized Experiments; Two New eBooks Available; Web of Science: A New Look for a New Year; SCIENCE has finally arrived - electronically!; Collections Highlights: League of Women Voters of Augusta, 1940 - 1997; Rare Books in Historical Collections and Archives; Let's Talk about it: Understanding the American Civil War;Careers in Art: Medical Illustration Exhibit at Greenblatt Library; Who Was Dr. Greenblatt?; Introducing New Staff; Nutrition Literacy Outreach Grant concludes at GRU Child Care Center; Davies named Outstanding Faculty for the Libraries; Presentations accepted at Southern Group on Educational Affairs Annual Meeting; Greenblatt Librarians have four papers and two posters accepted at Annual Medical Library Association Meeting