Extra Duty Compensation Policy For Faculty
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7.11 Extra Duty Compensation Policy For Faculty: This policy covers the circumstances under which a Georgia Health Sciences University faculty member may receive extra compensation. Extra duty for faculty is defined as additional faculty responsibilities assigned for a temporary period of time, not to exceed one year. In accordance with Board of Regents Policy (BOR Policy extra duty compensation for faculty is defined as additional compensation for extra duty service performed by a faculty member if all four of the following conditions are met: 1. The work is carried out in addition to a normal full load; 2. No other qualified person is available to carry out the work as part of his/her normal load; 3. The work produces sufficient income to be self-supporting (when educational activity's income exceeds itemized expenses, the excess funds may be distributed to program faculty as "Extra Compensation·); and 4. The additional duties are not so heavy as to interfere with the performance of regular duties.Nothing in this policy shall in any way conflict with or override any policy of any applicable faculty practice plan of any college within Georgia Health Sciences University.