Comparison of orthopedic surgical patients who receive a structured versus an unstructured program of pre-operative education as to the number of post-operative analgesics required and the number of post- operative hospitalized days




Jacobs, Norma

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This study compared surgical patients who received a structured program of pre-operative education as to the number of analgesics post-operatively and the number of post-operative days versus patients who received an unstructured program of pre-operative instruction. The population consisted of orthopedic patients who were to have total hip replacement, total knee replacement, lumbar laminectomy, and cervical laminectomy. The total sa~ple size was fourteen. The Jacobs Structured Patient Education Progra~and the Jacobs Pain Medication Instrumentf)were developed for this study by the investigator and were used to provide structured pre-operative education, collection of demographic data, number of analgesics, and number of post-operative days. The Sime Questionnaire was used to report postoperative fear, ·anger and depression during the recovery period. This -·-------s~_l_f-:r_a!:_i_f1g __ S.~~le w~s completed by the subje.cts and helped to determine the level of post-operative anxiety. The results of the study were significant in that the experimental group received fewer analgesics than the contrpl gro"up. The data did ·not provide enoug~ evidence to show that the experimental group had fewer hospitalized days. The demographic data was similar in both groups and therefore not significant. The Sime Questionnaire indicated less fear in the experimental group and severe anxiety was equally scored by the two groups. The study provided interesting data ~oncerning pre-operative teaching and information and-should be con~idered by health care professionals. It is highly recommended that the study be replicated with a larger sample size.



Anxiety, Analgesics, Depression
