Exploring Music's Effects on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Through Changes in Oxytocin Levels




Cauthron, Steven

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Augusta University


High blood pressure and high heart rate can increase chances of a variety of diseases. This study looked at the impact of music on blood pressure and heart rate in pre-hypertensive individuals based on changes in their oxytocin levels. We hypothesized that listening to music would result in an increase in oxytocin and therefore a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. This study involved 16 pre-hypertensive individuals. Hemodynamic measurements and oxytocin counts were obtained in three different experimental conditions: rest (control), stressed and after listening to music. The study results indicated a significant reduction in heart rate after listening to music. There was no significant change in blood pressure after listening to music. The results of this study show that listening to music is associated with higher oxytocin levels.


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