Human Sex Trafficking in the Augusta Judicial Circuit




Morel, Nicole

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Augusta University


The purpose of this thesis is to focus on proactive measures to combat human sex trafficking (HST) in the greater Augusta Judicial Circuit which consists of, Burke, Columbia, and Richmond Counties. Since ancient times, slavery, kidnapping, coercing, and forcing individuals to perform sexual acts for monetary profit has been a major threat to human rights across the world (Kiener, 2012). Although police have become better equipped to handle this crime, it remains one of the most difficult crimes to successfully tackle. This is especially true as previous literature suggest a relationship between an increase in HST crimes during big sporting events (Hayes, 2010; Bowersox, 2016). Studies like these are important because this type of crime is both prevalent and domestic. In the United States alone, 7,859 cases were recorded for sex trafficking in 2018 (NHTH, 2019). While there has been a significant increase in the attention to HST through new policies, education systems, and training, it is evident that more needs to happen. The goal of this thesis is to understand existing approaches to address HST in the Augusta Circuit and address any unique factors in the area, such as the Masters Tournament.


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human sex trafficking; Augusta Judicial Circuit
