Adapting an embedded model of librarianship, college by college.




Blake, Lindsay
Mears, Kim
Davies, Kathy J
Ballance, Darra
Shipman, Peter
Connolly-Brown, Maryska
Gaines, Julie K.

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Taylor & Francis


Librarians are increasingly moving out of the library and into the wider university setting as patrons spend more time seeking information online and less time visiting the library. The move to embed librarians in colleges, departments, or customer groups has been going on for some time but has recently received more attention as libraries work to find new ways to reach patrons that no longer need to come to the physical library. Few universities have attempted to embed all their librarians. This case study describes how one group of health sciences librarians dispersed its professional staff throughout its campuses and medical centers.


This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Medical Reference Services Quarterly on 14 Jul 2014 , available online:


Embedded Librarianship


Adapting an embedded model of librarianship, college by college. 2014, 33 (3):264-77 Med Ref Serv Q