w do baccalaureate degree nurses differ from diploma and associate degree nurses in ethical decision-making?
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The purpose of this ex post facto study was to test the hypothesis that baccalaureate degree nurses would make more ethical decisions at a higher moral reasoning level than diploma ·,. or associate degree nurses. A convenience sample of 86 registered nurses voluntarily participated in the study. The Judgement About Nursing Decisions (JAND) instrument, developed by Dr. Shake' Ketefian, was used to measure ethical judgements and decision-making. A demographic survey accompanied the JAND test. Results of the one-way analysis of variance test revealed no significant difference in the mean JAND scores of the baccalaureate degree, diploma and associate degree nurses. These findings resulted in the rejection of the study hypothesis. Results of the seven factor analysis revealed that one factor out of seven pupported that baccalaureate degree nurses make more ethical decisions ·at a higher· moral reasoning level than diploma or associate degree nurses. The findings of this investigation indicate the need to further study what factors play an active role in moral reasoning and ethical decision-making. The findings also support the need to revise and develop valid and reliable tools to measure moral reasoning and ethical behavior.